Chapter 24: Escape

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(P.O.V = Rose)

I run as fast as my legs can take me. This is my chance to escape Loki for good. Sure I met have a little feelings for him but he was going to abuse me tonight. Anyway I can either die trying to leave or die then Loki gets his hands on me tonight. It's much better to try and escape because I might actually succeed. I don't know the way back to Loki's room but I will eventually find my way out of this castle.

I turn another corner and ram into someone. The impact was hard and I fell on my ass on the ground.

"Ouch...," I say rubbing my butt an trying to stand up.

"I am so so sorry m'lady here let me help you," A girl says helping me stand up. Once I stood up I got a clear view of her face. She was stunning. She had the deepest blue eyes and her hair was super blond. Her hair was out in a high ponytail but she put her hair on my shoulder. She was wearing a loose, yet fitting red dress. I have to admit, she looked like an angel.

"No, no it's my fault. Thanks. I-I have to go," I say stuttering a little.

"Is everything alright?" She asks.

"Y-yes everything is f-fine," I say trying to hide my worryness. I try running past her but she catches me arm in a tight firm grip.

"I presume everything is not fine. You are running FROM the great hall. And from the dress you wear you were eating dinner with the king and queen. There was a rumor of Loki taking a girl to dine tonight. Also you bear the symbol of Loki. You are running from him," She says.

"H-How do you know all that?" I ask.

"I am very observant. I shut my mouth and take orders without questioning," She says.

"Oh," I say.

"Hurry, we haven't got much time. Come with me. I can help you," She says. Before I can respond we are running down the hall to...I have no idea where we are going. We stop at yet another pair of huge golden doors. She opens them to reveil a room much like Loki's but everything instead of being green it's red.

"This is Thor's room. I live in this took aswell I have something you can use in your escape," She says. She runs to a room and pulls out a chest. She takes out a key from her bra and opens the chest. She takes out what looks like a gown but is actually a gown with a hood on it. It is red and golden with a nice laced up detail in the front with a bow.

"Here put it on," She says. I quickly strip my self from the green dress and put the red golden hood dress.

"It is beautiful," I say.

"It belong to my sister," She says.

"What happened to her?" I ask.

"She died. Murdered in her sleep," She says.

"I'm sorry. What is your name?" I ask.

"Idun, my name is Idun," Idun says.

"That's a beautiful name," I say.

"Thank you," She says. Idun helps me put my hair in a braid and she also puts a red necklace on me which also belonged to her sister.

"Do you have any boots?" I ask.

"No I am sorry. No boots. Just these," She says holding up golden high heels. I take them anyway and put them on.

"I am very greatful for you helping me Idun. I need to get back to Loki's room. He has something important of mine. Where is his room?" I ask.

"Do down the hallway, turn right, and it should be the second door on the left," Idun says.

"Thank you so much," I say hugging her.

"I hope you can escape Loki. If he finds you leaving he will kill you, do you know this?" Idun says.

"I know, but I'm not going down without a fight," I say. She nods her head and I leave heading in the direction she told me. I will finally be free of you tonight Loki.

(P.O.V = Loki)

A guard comes up to me.

"Odin and Frigga are being sent to the healers now, any other wish my king?" He asks.

"The woman I was dinning with, find her and lock her in a dungeon," I say. He nods his head and leaves. Soon after a servant comes up to my carrying Gungnir, Odin's mighty spear.

"My king. It is only fit that you have this," He says. I look at my own scepter weapon.

"If you do not see you mewling qwim I have my own. Lock it in the weapons valt for now," I say. He nods, turns and walks away quickly from me.

I must find my pet.

I quickly walk down the halls to my room. I forcefully open the doors. My eyes scan the room before I enter. My pet was no where to be found. I walk a little in the room and start hearing thoughts with my name over and over inbeaded into the thoughts. I quickly turn around but only to be faced with a Wine bottle smashing on my head. I fall to the ground cold and knocked out.

(P.O.V = Rose)

From the corner of my eye I can see Loki. I run faster down the hall and quickly enter his room. I look for a place to hide but it's no use. Them on the night stand I spot a wine bottle. I grab it an knock on the glass. Seems pretty sturdy. I walk quickly over to the doors and wait.

In seconds the door opens. I know it's Loki. What if this plan doesn't work. I've seen how strong Loki is. What if my plan fails and Loki throws me on the bed and then just takes me all night long ruining me to only them kill me...

I toss all my thoughts aside and start to bring down the bottle of wine towards Loki's head. Right before it impacts Loki turns around and the bottle smashed hard on his face. He falls to the ground and lays there. Is he knocked out? What it I've killed him.....

I run over to the bed and get all the sheets. I knot them together to make a giant long rope. I secure it on the balcony and prepare to go down it, but then I remembered. I remembered why I even can back to Loki's room in the first place. I search and search around the room for my clothes. The clothes I was kidnapped it. I find them under the bed. I reach into the back pocket in my shorts and pull out a small picture. It's a picture handed down to me me from my grandmother. It's a picture of Steve Rodgers, my grandfather. Not after the experiment but before when he was JUST Steve. I put the picture into my bra and climb down the rope of blankets. I manage to walk into the village right outside of the place. By now Loki has probably woken up. My only hope is that he doesn't find me now. I want to be free now. Free from him. Free from the from Loki...

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