Chapter 14: Forgoten Memories

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(P.O.V = Rose)


Loki slams the door and I can heard his footsteps getting softer and softer. Once I can't hear his footsteps I finally relax. I lay down on the ground and cry out once my broken skin touches the cold marble floor. My body is still bloody for the beating before and my head pounds. I can't believe Loki just let me like this. I'm so, what's the right word...broken. He almost beat me to death and almost took my virginity away. What is wrong with this man! Am I just an object, he uses me and tosses me to the side all bruised and heartbroken? I curl up in a ball and start crying, no...baling, weeping, it's more than crying. I can't stop, I don't know how long it's been but it feels like hours of non-stop crying. My mind ponders about not just me but about Loki. Why is he so cruel. What happened in his past that made him the man he is today? I can't help but to feel the slightest bit sorry for him. I know I've been through what seemed to some like hell and back, but I am strong. My grandfather would be proud. The famous Captain America. I actually saw him on TV not too long ago. He was fighting in a war against Aliens and stuff, and also this man who tried to take over the world...a man, a crazy obsessed man with power. I saw him...I saw the man, he looked at me. Oh my god, I remember...I remember it all. That day in New York. I tried to forgot but it's all coming back to me now. He was there...Loki...Loki was there. He was the man who tried to take over the world. The man who killed Jade and Lucas. Jade was my best friend and Lucas...well you could say he was my boyfriend. We didn't know what we were really. Sure we kissed a couple times and almost had sex but that's all gone now. Loki killed them and their deaths will not go in vein. I will get Loki back for what he has gone. Mark my words, Loki will pay... My thoughts get inturupted by the sound on an opening door. I pull myself tighter in a ball. I'm prepared for what Loki is going to do, but I relax when he calls me by my real name.


Okay so I am sooooo bored so I decided to add another chapter to this story. I know this is short but I wanted to do a chapter on what Rose thought when Loki had his "family" dinner. The nest chapter will be semi long so be happy for that :)
Also the picture attached to this chapter I edit it (well I edit like all the pictures so their better) and I have to say it took a long ass time. I made the picture look like the letters were fading so it's like their being forgotten, U know like "Forgotten Memories"
Hoped U liked this chapter. Comment and vote! ;)

With love,


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