What was it like helping Elrond and Celebrian raise three elflings?

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Glorfindel: *is sleeping with his hair as a pillow*

Helena: Uhhh...Lord Glorfindel? Wake up? We have a question for you? *awkwardly pats his head*

Glorfindel: Yes, my lady?

Helena: This is @EcthelionOfGondolin

EchelionOfGondolin: What was it like helping Elrond and Celebrian raise three *cough* immature and crazy elflings?
Glorfindel: Ha! You think the raising is over?! Those three never truly grew up! When they were young the twins would run off, determined to slay orcs, and of course they'd drag Arwen off with them. They would have got themselves killed if I hadn't found them in time. And then there was the food. It would take hours and hours just to get them to eat a thing. See, normally little elves are well behaved and sweet, but not these three. Arwen would hide it all under the table and I'd find it later, crushed under my shoes. Not to mention Elladan and Elrohir holding me hostage until I gave them cake. Whenever their parents were away they'd run wild! Those elflings were the worst behaved I'd ever seen, and they still are. What with Arwen not listening and the twins putting themselves in dangerous...its a miracle I still have any hair at all, let alone these beautiful golden locks.

Arwen: Oh Glorfy, you love us really!

Elladan: We spent so many long hours together, you teaching us to read...

Elrohir: ...us practicing archery together...

Arwen: ...cutting and braiding your hair...How fun!

EcthelionOfGondolin: Um, not sure about that.

Arwen: In fact, we should do that again.

Elrohir: Yeah, for the memories!

Elladan: *grins wickedly and brandishes scissors*

Glorfindel: *goes pale* HELP! I STILL HAVEN'T RECOVERED FROM LAST TIME AND THAT WAS 1700 YEARS AGO!!!! *hides behind EcthelionOfGondolin*

EcthelionOfGondolin: You won't get him!


EcthelionOfGondolin: Eeek!

*El, El and Arwen chase Glorfy and EcthelionOfGondolin*

EcthelionOfGondolin: I see what you mean now!

Glorfindel: And I've had over 2000 years of this!

Helena: *awkwardly steps away* Good luck getting away! I hope your question got answered!

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