Who has the best hair?

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Glorfindel: *brushing hair* *sings* one, two, three, four, who's the prettiest elf of them all! Five, six, seven, eight, this little elf is really great.

EcthelionOfGondolin: *jumps though the window* Are you singing to yourself AGAIN?

Glorfindel: NO! I mean...no.

EcthelionOfGondolin: Anyway, whatever. Besides I have a more pressing matter. *runs to a door* THRANDYYYYYY!!!!

Thranduil: *comes out with a pink straightener in his hand* Yes, darling?

EcthelionOfGondolin: Basically, I was wondering who has the best hair - you, or Glorfy over there.

Thranduil: Uh, duhhhh; that would be MOI!!!

Glorfindel: *slowly stands up* Sorry, Woodland King, but I defeated a Balrog of Morgoth with the sheer power of my hair. What's your so called 'fabulous' hair ever done?

Thranduil: *pauses*

EcthelionOfGondolin: *raises an eyebrow*

Thranduil: Lots of stuff. Like, terrify Thorin Oakenshield into submission.

Thorin: *appears* I DO NOT SUBMIT *disappears*

Thranduil: Also, let's be real; have you looked at me?! I'm GORGEOUS. And also, big gold fluffy pompous idiot, that Balrog you beat dragged you too your death with your own hair! Unlike my, long, luscious locks *flips hair in Glorfindel's face*

Glorfindel: Did you, you stupid...supermodel, just call me a big gold fluffy pompous idiot!?

Thranduil: Yahhh.

Glorfindel: I hate people.

Ecthelion: *appears* *fluffs Glorfy's hair* Same.

EcthelionOfGondolin: *silently fangirling*

Ecthelion: Wait a second...is your name the same as mine?!

EcthelionOfGondolin: Kind of XD

Helena: So, Thrandy, what was that you were saying about your hair? *evil cackle*

Thranduil: That it's totally beautiful! *runs hair through fingers* Wait a second...? *stares at Helena* WHY IS MY HAIR GREEN????????

Helena: No reason? *skips off*

EcthelionOfGondolin: LOL I THINK WE HAVE A WINNER!

Glorfindel: THAT WOULD BE ME! *they dance off with linked arms*

Thranduil: These things always end really badly for me...UGH *flounces off*

Helena: Btw I still don't have much Wi-Fi but I'll be back from holiday by Monday!

Thranduil: What's a Why-Fly?

Helena: *facepalm*

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