Questioning Tauriel....and Kili:D

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Kili: My lady Tauriel, is there a reason for yor lateness? I was so worried about you!

Tauriel: You do not need to fear for me. I am no weak child.

Kili: Oh...uhm...of course

Tauriel: *laughs lightly* Don't worry, my love.

Kili: I have missed you!

@Lenthiril_Chloroleaf: I'm...VERY sorry to interrupt but I have a serious question to ask. Tauriel, how on middle earth is it that you slammed against a wall two times, fell down a cliff and then got up perfectly fine afterwards?

Tauriel: Legolas has already given this answer. We are elve-

@Lenthiril_Chloroleaf: I'm not done. You only knew Kili for like, three days and you were already getting married...? Isn't that a bit odd?

@Brigid_H_1300: Yeah, Kili never even told you his name...

Tauriel: I am sorry, I...I simply knew. Us elves have strong bonds of love! To insult that is a great unkindness! And anyway it was more than three days!

Kili: My love...calm down a little...

Tauriel: NO! YOU HAVE INSULTED ME!!!!!!!!

Helena: You see what they mean by less wise and more dangerous?

Tauriel: *grabs sword* YOU AS WELL!

Kili: She does this occasionally.

Tauriel: So do you...maybe that's why we fell in love. *glares at everyone*

Helena: I think we insulted her...haha...

Lenthiril_Chloroleaf: Ah, perhaps I should have asked this first. If you did get married what would your child look like?

Tauriel: Handsome

Kili: Beautiful

Tauriel: Brave

Kili: Kind

Tauriel: Understanding

Kili: Intelligent

Tauriel: Just like their father

Kili: Just like their mother

*stare into each other's eyes*

Helena: .....-_-

so sorry again for not being on, school and life have been quite depressing recently and i've been sad a lot unfortunately. hope you enjoy though!!!!

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