How is it having such a weird and a bit broken family?

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Elrond is quietly reading

@AnastasiaVujinovic: Um? Excuse me, my Lord?

Elrond: *smiles* Yes? What would you like to know?

AnastasuaVujinovic: How is it having such a weird and a bit broken family?

Elrond: Oh...well, it's strange. I never really knew my parents but I've heard so many stories about them, and I feel like I know them in spirit. It is odd however, knowing how important they were and are. And I suppose it's kind of strange that many people simply think of them as a bird and a star.
Maedhros and Maglor...I miss them every day. Even though they were partly to blame for so many horrible and awful things, they were my true family and I loved them so much. Maedhros taught us to hunt, Maglor taught us to read. They were very close to us...and I'm sorry I couldn't stop their fate...
*he stares into space* Elros was always different to me...but I never thought he'd choose the mortal life. To think that I'll never see him again, it's terrible.
Celebrian was the one true light of my life, when I was in the dark she brought me out, and when I lost her it felt like the world was ending. If it wasn't for my beautiful children then I would have left with her to Valinor, or passed away from grief.
But I kept strong for Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir, because they are precious and it is my duty as their Ada to care for them and protect them.
I tried to protect Arwen but...she loves Estel and I appreciate that, but it is hard not to think about the fact she will be just like my twin, lost to me...

AN: I'm sorry if this is more angsty than it should be, Elrond's messed up life is too much😪

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