twelve • dancing with thieves

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December 3ed 1988

There was a fair group of students who had been called by Mcgnagall to a long room in the castle, they were all from 5th-7th years and no one seemed to know why.

The walls were cold, grey stone and small uneven wooden benches lined the walls. Where the students were ordered to sit.

Whispers filled the room and a lot suspected it had something to do with the vaults. Thankfully for Liliana, if appeared to be a much more frivolous reasoning then that.

"Students, you have all been carefully requested, by some of Hogwarts top Administrators, to attend a ball." The girls were suddenly giddy with excitement, they hadn't been to one since the Celestial either last or a few years ago.

Liliana looked around at everyone there, there was a surplus of both boys and Slytherins, "Unless they want the look of a gay military school they need to invite more girls."

"Those old administrators would have a heart attack if they even heard the word gay." Tulip responded next to her.

Liliana, and Tulip, knew little of these apparent school administrators other than that they were old and traditional. Malfoy was one and he was known by many as a death eater, Liliana didn't really believe he had been under the Imperious curse, 'he was too cold to not be evil' she thought.

"You are all the brightest witches and wizards of your year." Everyone in Liliana's year group looked over at Barnaby.

Mcgnagall paused slightly, realising this, "On both academic and extracurricular activities." The students looked even more puzzled as Barnaby stayed looking straight at Mcgnagall, paying no mind to the countless stares on him. "They have also recognised the effort put into schoolwork when choosing the invitations." Everyone was still puzzled but Mcgnagall left the explanation at that.

Liliana was so excited, her eyes bulged as she frantically whispered to Tulip next to her, she loved getting dressed up and the Celestial ball had been her favourite night ever. There weren't many of Liliana's friends here that she could see, only Tulip, Barnaby, Charlie , Evan and Merula. If you could consider her a friend that is.

Charlie was on the other side of the room with Bill and the other Gryffindors, the houses had more or less separated themselves.

"It is expected you will represent Hogwarts accordingly and treat the other guests with the upmost respect. It is an honour to be choses for this once in a life time event."

"Blah blah blah." Tulip spat,

"Shut up!" Liliana softly hit her arm and listened closer to Mcgnagall.

She went on for longer about being respectful and appreciative before she instructed that they needed to learn how to dance.

Liliana was good at dancing, she was good at fast, quick stepped traditional dance but ballroom was disastrous. She spent hours practicing for the Celestial Ball, her and Merula - her date - had spent most of their time drinking and eating anyway. Though the older Slytherins soon taught her, along with Tulip who had been forced to go to various ministry ceremonies by her parents.

The room was covered in occupiers of green ties and silver jewellery, who's hushed whispered of gossip or judgement filled the background to Mcgnagalls' voice. It was clearly a Slytherin heavy event even though most year groups smartest students were obviously Ravenclaw.

"There will be opportunities for some students to give a speech regarding their education At Hogwarts but that will be discussed further at a future date. For now, is anyone unaware of ballroom etiquette?" Shockingly, no one raised a hand. Everyone here was apparently well versed on the matter and even more shockingly they all knew how to dance. "Can anyone here not Dance? No Mr. Tike your ludicrous jumping up and down is not dancing, can anyone not ballroom dance?" Once again no one had put a hand up.

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