twenty • fighting poison

44 2 0

25th January 1989

Liliana had a love hate relationship with Potions. She loved making dangerous ones, she hated Snape.

That was enough to shrivel any love she might have for the subject, Snape was entertaining to be taught by and she knew he respected her intellect but the grease of his hair alone gave her migraines.

"I don't understand."

"Read a textbook." Liliana responded unmoving Her eyes from the chopping board as she crushed the herbs.

There was a continuous crashing of nature against the castle walls causing occasional shudders through the dungeons as the young wizards worked. The room had its usual dreary green glint that appeared to lower at every released squark from birds caught up in the torrential winds. The dreadful sound appeared to be wrapped up in the deranged howls escaping the forbidden forest leaving no area of the grounds peaceful, everyone was acutely aware of the ominous threats looming outside and they could only hope they weren't acting as a presage.

Evan mumbled curses at her but nonetheless took her advice and reached for the textbook only to two sentences into reading it throw the heavy thing over his shoulder and onto the table behind.

What happened next is exactly why Liliana understood Slytherins hating some Gryffindors.

Potions had always been separate before, no house mingling. But after recent events Dumbledoor had insisted the two houses be tolerant after a 3ed year was strung up a tree by the green tied kids in his year, Liliana felt bad for the kid in truth but loathed him for ruining her potions lessons, because now she was surrounded by halfwits for every timetabled lesson in two subjects.

TWO. It was absurd.

Charms was actually her favorite subject as a whole and she didn't mind the Gryffindors, she sat with her two friends so it was no matter but now the houses had been split in two for potions, so neither Jae nor Charlie were in her potions class, nor was Rowan who barely helped her survive Merulas insistent whining before, let alone now.

"I can't be arsed, would rather have a stick shoved up my own actually, than to read all that." Evan leant back in his chair and held his hands behind his head while resting his back against the table of the group behind.

"I'm not your rubbish bin-"

"You smell like one." He snapped back. It was the light haired boy from before Christmas, the one who Liliana took the wand of and humiliated.

She smiled thinking about it.

The book was thrown back at Evan but Liliana paused it midway through the air, still unmoving her gaze from the bundle of cuttings infront of her.

"Nice try mate, the girls pretty skilled though so good luck trying."

The Gryffindors were stood in the row behind, glaring at the back of Evans head while he shut his eyes humming, ignoring their stares. The dungeons seemed even darker than usual, no slithers of light to brighten students eyes or glowing jars of excrements, just Snapes greasy hair and dust covered tables.

Maybe it was the storm.

"I'm going to let it hit you next time." She responded finally looking up to measure the amount of essence drops they required. She held the two bottles up and cast 'Lumos' with no wand on her right hand allowing a small burst of white to beam from her soft palms.

"Who knew she was more than a pretty face."

Liliana stopped and slowly set the bottle down, gradually turning her head behind her to the Gryffindor, "should I take that as a compliment or insult considering you think I'm stupid?"

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