1 - Reuniting

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Juryoku sat on the concrete floor playing with a pebble, it had been her only source of entertainment. She didn't really like books whereas Chrollo had many of them. She pinched the pebble on the ground between her fingers, it crumbled and turned into dust. She ran a hand through the floor to find another one. " Flower. Don't get your hands dirty. " Chrollo said. Juryoku turned to the sound of his voice. 

She gave him a nod while dusting off her hands. " Come read with me, it would be better than playing with pebbles. " He suggested. Juryoku stood up and walked towards Chrollo, he grabbed onto her hand. She sat on the concrete block beside him, which later turned into her laying her head on his lap. Today was the day the Phantom Troupe would reunite after 3 years. Juryoku looked forward to hearing from Pakunoda. 

They got along well, Chrollo took notice of that and appointed Pakunoda to Juryoku for protection purposes when necessary. He didn't doubt Juryoku's abilities, he just wanted no harm to be done to her. Chrollo looked down at Juryoku from his book, he began stroking her hair while waiting for the other members. He occasionally flipped through pages while reading, or he would start from the very beginning. 


Plenty of hours had passed by, the candle Chrollo lit earlier that day had gotten a lot smaller as the fire melted it. All the members besides Number 4 had been there. " He isn't coming. " Phinks said. " The sun... is almost up. " Feitan informed. " Dammit, Hisoka. " Uvogin said. " Next time I see him, I'll tear him apart. " He stated. Juryoku had been long asleep gripping onto Chrollo's coat, it was cold inside the abandoned building. She was only wearing a light kimono. 

It hadn't been long till the candle went out, the smoke began to dance in the wind. Chrollo closed his book. " Oh, dear. " An unsettling voice said. " That sounds quite gruesome indeed. " Hisoka stated. It had been the Number 4 spider everyone waited so long for. " I'm simply terrified. " He said in a faint sarcastic tone. " Hisoka, you bastard! " Uvogin exclaimed. " Guess you're running a bit late. " Shalnark stated. 

Juryoku began to slightly move, she had woken up because of the sudden commotion. " I was starting to think you wouldn't show. " Machi stated. " Why wouldn't I? You asked me to come, didn't you?. Had I broken my promise, I would've never had the pleasure of seeing your Nen Stitches again. " Hisoka said. " Hmph. " Machi let out. " Okay, Boss! Everyone's here. " Shalnark announced. Juryoku slowly got up while rubbing her eyes.

 Chrollo then stood up, taking one last look at Juryoku then turning back to the rest of the troupe. " Well Boss, what are we stealing this time? " Uvogin asked. " We will take the treasures of the underground auction. " Chrollo stated. " Which treasures do you want? " Shalnark asked. " Ancient texts maybe? The boss does like books. " Machi stated. " No, but perhaps games. There will be many copies of the most expensive game ever. " Feitan said. 

" Wouldn't it be more logical to take precious metals and gemstones? " Nobunaga asked. " All of it. " Chrollo said while taking a step into the light. " We'll be taking everything that's up for auction. " He stated. " Hold on. Boss are you serious? " Uvogin asked. " The underground auction is operated by gangs from all over the world, just think about it. If we do that we're going to make enemies of every last one of them. " Uvogin stated. 

Chrollo's eyes seemed to slightly widen. " Are you scared? Uvogin. " Chrollo asked. " No way. I'm ecstatic, I can't stop shaking! " Uvo exclaimed. " Come on. Give us the order boss. I want it now. " Uvogin said. " I give you permission to kill them all. " Chrollo said. " Anyone who dares to get in our way. " He stated. There was a dangerous and exciting glint in Uvogin's eyes. He yelled out as loudly as he could. Juryoku smiled. 

She smiled hearing that Uvogin was this excited. The genuine satisfaction he let out while being given that very command filled her heart with joy knowing that another fellow member was happy in these same circumstances, she stood up and walked to stand beside Chrollo. She made sure the smile she held was recognized by everyone in the room, as they reflected that same smile in their own unique ways. 


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