4 - The Judas

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Juryoku laid on the concrete platform with her legs hanging off of it, she swung them back and forth playfully. There wasn't much to do in the building, so she had to keep herself busy somehow. Yoku decided to drop down onto the scattered rocks on the floor. Then she jumped up onto the window where Hisoka sat. She backed away to the other side across from him, Yoku heard him shuffle his playing cards. 

She felt his gaze shift from Chrollo to her. Yoku held her hands out towards him wanting to play with the cards. Hisoka placed his deck of cards in her hands. Juryoku smiled and nodded. She started to slowly build a house, she put a small amount of nen covering on his cards. Hisoka watched as the house of cards she made started to float. He paid very close attention, it might be a clear indication of her ability. 

She wouldn't be allowed next to Chrollo if she was just any other nen user. Hisoka felt Chrollo's gaze burn holes into him. He only smiled, Hisoka found a way to have Chrollo fight him. He wanted to defeat a strong opponent like him and it seemed Juryoku was his only way. Hisoka neared Yoku, slowly motioning that he was going to put a hand on her head. Yoku however stopped his movement by adding positive and negative energy to the air around his arm. 

She lowered the house of cards, leaving them on the window and removing her nen from the cards. They fell apart scattering around the window. Yoku shook her head at Hisoka's actions and dropped down from the window. She stopped the negative and positive energy from holding Hisoka's arm in place. He only seemed to smile further as his eyes lidded. Yoku's stomach began to churn once more, it was a very uneasy feeling. 

Juryoku took note not to interact with Hisoka unless she needed to. Yoku instead went over to Paku and laid on her rock. Every time Juryoku slept her nen only seemed to strengthen, the main reason why she had always been shielded from the outside world is because Chrollo didn't want others to bring harm to her. And if she were to ever leave the building it would be with either him or Pakunoda. Yoku closes her eyes, taking a breath in and a sharp breath out. 

She is now completely unconscious. Pakunoda turned over to Juryoku and picked her up, putting one arm under her legs and another supporting her back. She jumped up onto the platform gently placing Yoku on Chrollo's lap without making eye contact. Paku dropped back down picking up her gun and began cleaning it. Pakunoda checked the barrel, it was full.


Pakunoda had decided to use her nail filer after some time of waiting for the others to arrive. Chrollo was of course reading a book. " Ah, right. I'm supposed to meet someone today. I'll be leaving for a bit. " Hisoka said. " Sure, go ahead. " Chrollo responded. " As long as you're back by 6 pm tomorrow. Up to no good, Hisoka? " He added. " Of course I am. " Hisoka stated making his way outside the abandoned building. 


Hisoka sat on a rundown and broken merry-go-round. He had been early to his meeting, a meeting he scheduled himself in order to pass on information. Hisoka dropped cards onto the floor while shuffling through them, patiently waiting for an acquaintance of his. It wasn't long until he heard subtle footsteps making their way towards the middle of the abandoned amusement park. 

Hisoka continued to shuffle as the person he had been waiting for stood before him. " Early aren't you? " Hisoka said. Hisoka looked up at the boy who had medium blond hair with grey eyes. " There's no need to worry, I have no interest in fighting you now. " He said. " Then let's just get right to the point. " The boy demanded. " The truth, tell me everything you know about them. " He continued. " Oh, come now. Already? " Hisoka asked. 

" I do just adore idle chit-chat. " He stated. There was a short moment of silence between them. " Mhm. " Hisoka let out. He closed his eyes. " There are Thirteen spiders in all, each identifiable by their numbered spider tattoos. Members can be replaced at a moment's notice. An applicant need only to defeat a current member in order to join. If the Troupe loses one for another reason, it falls to the boss to fill the vacancy. " Hisoka explained. 

" Well, to be honest. They mainly steal and kill though they do gable in philanthropy. " He stated. " That much I know already. " The boy said. " What you might not know already is that I replaced Number 4 a couple of years ago. " Hisoka said. " For what purpose? " The boy asked. " I wanted the chance to fight the boss. " Hisoka stated. " The boss? " The boy questioned. " But why would you want that? " He asked. " Because he's powerful. " Hisoka said. 

" You wanted to test your strength? That was your only reason? " The boy questioned once more. " Who knows, it... it... it just gets me so excited~ Even the mere thought of fighting the boss turns me on. " Hisoka admitted. " But unfortunately I haven't had the chance yet, he never lowers his guard. He's with at least two others with the addition of a young woman who always accompanies him. " Hisoka stated. 

" And as soon as the job ends, he vanishes. With that same woman every time, instantly without a trace. So I believe you and I can help each other, don't you think our goals are too difficult to achieve all by ourselves? " Hisoka questioned. " What are you saying? " The boy asked. " I can tell you the Troupe members' abilities. There are 7 whose powers I already know about. What do you say, we work together. " Hisoka said. 


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