12 - Neglecting Responsibilities

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The sound of giggling erupted in the apartment. It was a peaceful atmosphere compared to how things usually were in the abandoned building. Sure it was quiet but it was boring waiting for orders. The other members had been asleep while Machi, Shizuku, Pakunoda, and Juryoku decided to leave. Not even Chrollo was aware of this. " Haha! I could only imagine the look on Hisoka's face when he realizes we blew up his penthouse. " Machi laughed out. 

" You're more troublesome than I imagined. " Shizuku said while looking at Juryoku. Yoku only smiled. " I never thought you would do something like that Yoku. " Pakunoda said while giggling. Shizuku began to braid Juryoku's hair, it wasn't long until the other girls did the same. They exchanged common chatter and ate fruits. Once they finished the braid Juryoku went to the bathroom. It was her turn to put her dress on. 

Machi ate a strawberry as Pakunoda styled her hair. Shizuku sat with her legs crossed in front of them. There was a comfortable silence. " I used to think she was a boring woman just trying to suck up to the boss. " Machi stated. Pakunoda perked up at this. " Now I see what the boss sees. " Machi said. Pakunoda shook her head. " Huh? " Shizuku questioned. She saw how Paku shook her head. " The boss doesn't see Juryoku like that. She's very well behaved. " She stated. 

" She reminds him of someone he met as a child. " Pakunoda explained. Paku finished doing Machi's hair and stood up. " Someone he met as a child? " Shizuku questioned. Pakunoda nodded. " There was this girl named Sayoka. She was a very curious girl, much like our own Yoku. " Pakunoda said. " The boss made a promise to her and the next day after the sun rose, she was gone. " She stated. " Hm. " Machi said. 

" Sayoka was called his rose. While Juryoku is now called His Flower. He wanted to fulfill the promise he made to Sayoka by fulfilling it with Juryoku. " Pakunoda said. " Doesn't that seem a little convenient? " Machi asked. " As soon as this Sayoka left Juryoku appeared.  " She said. Pakunoda shook her head. " Machi. Sayoka left years before Juryoku came into the picture. They couldn't possibly... " Pakunoda said. The bathroom door opened. 

Juryoku stepped out. She tilted her head while walking towards the girls. " There you are Yoku. " Machi said. Juryoku walked towards Machi and gave her a hug. Machi hugged back. They all seemed to become closer as the night continued. Pakunoda pulled out a black pair of tall boot heels. She gave them to Juryoku while sitting her down on a chair. Shizuku grabbed a pair of thigh-high black stockings and went on to put them on Juryoku. 

Yoku waved her hands in front of Shizuku. Juryoku sensed every movement of their aura. Since she couldn't see, this was the next best thing to help her out. " Don't insist. " Shizuku said. Juryoku shook her head in embarrassment but then gave in. Machi went over to the table behind them, grabbing accessories from the bin. There were different types of pins, from traditional pins to plain ones. They bought these after they left the abandoned building. 

Once the three girls finished assisting Juryoku she stood up and grabbed pins from the bin and walked back placing them on the girls. Just for tonight Shizuku and Machi dyed their hair different colors. Their faces were all over the newspapers since the outbreak of the auction had still been a huge hit. The girls walked towards the door ready to leave. They turned around waiting for Juryoku. 

They looked at her outfit, all of their dresses were similar to one another. Juryoku's was the most complex, however. As complex as the dress was the three girls thought that it fit her well. Even though Juryoku hadn't spoken through the chatting process of their night together she gained the respect of each of the girls. Plus getting to blow up Hisoka's penthouse was a bonus and god was it fun. It made them all feel as if they were normal everyday people who didn't have bounties over their heads. Like a normal group of girls. 

Yoku wished she could see their dresses and faces instead of having them describe everything to her. 

They continued to wait patiently at the door for Yoku but she only shook her head

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They continued to wait patiently at the door for Yoku but she only shook her head. Juryoku put her hand to the large glass in front of her. She ran over to them and grabbed Shizuku, the other two followed. She put her hand once again on the glass, it started to form into a small marble. The window was now gone as a gust of wind went their way. " You don't really think-- " Machi got tugged on the arm. Shizuku, Machi, and Juryoku fell off the side of the building. 

Pakunoda dropped down with them as she felt Yoku's aura surround her. It wasn't long until they reached the floor safely. It reminded Yoku of the night after they stored the merchandise. That same night she felt free, right next to the person who gave her a second chance at life. Juryoku only giggled. She grabbed onto Machi's hand and they began walking towards a nightclub. 


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