6 - Two Sides of The Same Coin

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Pakunoda, Machi, Phinks, and Nobunaga had brought in two seemingly teenage boys, one with long spiky black green tipped hair and large, hazel brown eyes. His outfit is composed of a green jacket with reddish edges covering a black or white tank top underneath, green short shorts, and green, laced boots. The other boy had spiky silver hair, very pale skin, and blue eyes. He was wearing a simple shirt with shorts and boots.

The boy with the silver hair looked over in Hisoka's direction. Then he turned away. The other boy however also noticed Hisoka. " Hey! " The boy with black hair called out. Then he noticed his own mistake and quieted down. " What? " Nobunaga said. " Do you know someone here? " He asked them. " Uhhhh... no. " The silverette stated. " Hey, it's that girl we met. " The boy pointed at Shizuku. 

Juryoku peeked over the platform. Chrollo wasn't here today. " Is it true Shizuku, do you know these guys? " Nobunaga asked. " No, I sure don't. " She stated. The silverette let out a sound of surprise. " Oh. " Feitan let out. "I remember now. The kit who arm wrestles. " He stated. " Refresh my memory. " Shizuku said.  " That kid, you lost to him in an arm-wrestling contest two days ago. " Franklin said while pointing at the boy wearing green. 

" I did? He beat me? " She questioned. " That's a lie. I'm not the strongest but I wouldn't lose to a kid. " Shizuku said. " Well, it's because you were using your right hand. " Franklin stated. " I did? But why? I'm left-handed. " She stated. " Don't bother, once she has forgotten something it is gone for good. " Feitan said. " Right. Never mind, guess I was mistaken. " Franklin said. " Thought so. " Shizuku said. " Hold on. Is that right? You really beat Shizuku? " Nobunaga asked. 

The boy wearing green turned to him. " Yeah. " He said. " I never would've imagined that she was a Phantom Troupe member. " The silverette stated. " Okay. Then show me what you've got. " Nobunaga challenged. They got themselves set up for an arm-wrestling match and each time they versed Nobunaga ended up winning. " One more time. " Nobunaga said. They tried again. " Ready. Go! " He said. The boy struggled. 

His hand was once again forcefully smacked onto the rock separating them. " Alright. One more time. " Nobunaga said. " Ready. Go! " He repeated. " So. " Nobunaga started. " How do I stack up against all the other spiders, be honest.  " He asked. " Probably 7th or 8th. " Franklin answered. " Well, you aren't the weakest.  But not the strongest either. " Machi stated. " Right. The strongest member of the Troupe was this guy called Uvogin. " Nobunaga said. 

" But it's starting to look like the chain user killed him. " He stated. " We told you, we have no clue who that is. " The silverette said. " Hey, kid. Speak without my permission again and I'll kill you. " Nobunaga said. The boy seemed to take it as a sign to stop, his eyes kept moving back and forth in a way of nervousness. " Now, one more time. Ready. Go! "  He said. Droplets of blood fell down onto the rock, the blood belonged to the boy wearing all green. 

Juryoku dropped down from the platform. Paku turned her head over at Yoku. " Uvogin was an Enhancer. It was simple-minded, straightforward and he loved a good fight. Punctual a real stickler about time, whenever Franklin or I were late he would always start something. He beat the crap out of me more than once I could tell ya. I've known him since before the Troupe was founded. I know him better than anyone. " Nobunaga said. 

" He would never... I mean never, lose in a fair fight you hear me. Not unless he was caught in some dirty trap. " He stated while tears ran down his eyes. " I'll make his killer pay. I'll find him, no matter who I have to kill. The chain user holds some kind of grudge against us. A strong one, the Mafia's Nostrade Family hired him recently. " Nobunaga stated. " You might not know him personally but maybe you heard rumors. So think hard, alright? " He said. 

" You better not hold anything back. " Nobunaga threatened. " I don't know him. " The noirette said. " But even if I did... I would still never give him out to you! I thought you all were a bunch of cold-blooded monsters, but I see you can shed tears for your friends. So you're capable of empathy, but you've killed... you've killed so many people. Why couldn't you feel that for them? What the hell is wrong with you?! " The boy yelled. He finally won. 

It didn't take long for the noirette to be restrained by Feitan. " Careful, you're too cocky. " Feitan said. He pushed the boy down onto the rock while holding an arm behind him. " Gon! " The silverette called out to his friend. Hisoka however appeared right behind him stopping him from getting any closer. " Move and I'll cut you. " Hisoka said. " Answer the question. Do you know who the chain user is? " Feitan said. 

" I told you! I'm not telling you anything so get off of me. " Gon exclaimed. " Hm. " Feitan let out. Juryoku walked closer to Feitan and placed a hand over his while shaking her head. He stared at her blankly. " Feitan, she wants you to stop it. " Nobunaga said. " Stop what? " Feitan asked. " Stop doing just what you're about to do. " Nobunaga stated. " Oh. You think you know what I'm about to do? " Feitan asked. " You're going to break his arm, aren't you? " Nobunaga asked. 

" I'd start with a  finger. Peel off a nail. " Feitan said. " Doesn't matter, I told you to stop it. " Nobunaga said. " You're giving me orders? " Feitan asked. " I'm not giving you orders. Juryoku is. " Nobunaga stated. " I don't have to obey. " Feitan stated. Nobunaga hit his foot on the rock, an irk mark was already starting to form. Yoku took an attempt at taking Feitan's hand off of the child. Feitan however, sharpened his nails and left a cut on her hand. 

Juryoku put a hand over the cut. " Hey, quit it Nobunaga. " Franklin said. " What. Have you already forgotten the rules? " Machi asked. " There is no physical fighting between the Troupe members. " Shizuku stated. " I know. I know. Disputes are decided by a coin toss. " Nobunaga said. And he did just that. " Tails. " Feitan called. " Then I'm heads. " Nobunaga said. He took his hands off the coin. " It's heads so let him go. " He stated. 

Gon jumped back and away from Feitan. Juryoku looked down at the floor beneath her, droplets of blood fell from her cut and onto the floor. Yoku held in her tears. She had the worst pain tolerance compared to anyone in the Troupe. Pakunoda put a hand on Yoku's shoulder. " Feitan was just frustrated Juryoku, don't take it to heart. " Paku said. Juryoku nodded. 


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