20 - Crucial Negotiations

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" Paku. " Machi said. " I wouldn't worry about this too much. Until we know more you should just keep quiet. " She explained. The lights then turned on. " Just hurry up Phinks! " Nobunaga said through the phone. " Somebody has captured the boss. " He explained. Pakunoda knew, she knew that they all needed him, and she knew what she had to do. Even if it meant breaking a swear, a promise, or betraying the spider itself. 


" We'll be fine. A number of the enemy were injured, so they'll stay put until backup arrives. " The chain user explained. " What are you looking at? " He asked. " Nothing. I just didn't expect the chain user to be a woman. " Chrollo said. " Who said I was? " Kurapika asked taking off his wig. " I thought you knew better than to trust appearances, regardless, you should watch what you say. Since it may well be the last thing out of your mouth. " Kurapika said. 

" You aren't going to kill me. Not after you left your precious friends behind. " Chrollo stated. " I may appear calm and composed but I will not ignore your threats. " Kurapika said while raising his voice. " Kurapika! That's enough. " The man from back at the plaza said. Who would've known he was also a part of this. " The girl's fortune failed to mention this, therefore, this event isn't significant enough to matter. " Chrollo explained. 

" Or else I am quite certain it would've come up. " He stated. " You bastard! " Kurapika exclaimed. " Kurapika! " A shorter female on the passenger seat said. " If you kill him, I'll kick your ass! Do you hear me?! " The driver explained. " Should I explain further? This situation is nothing, it's no different than an afternoon coffee break. In fact, it's quite peaceful. " Chrollo said. Kurapika held his fist in the air landing a punch on Chrollo. 

" Kurapika, calm down. Nothing has changed, we're on equal footing now. " The older-looking man said. " Equal? I'm afraid you're quite mistaken in that regard. Your assumption is completely wrong. I have no value as a hostage. " Chrollo said. " Shut up! If you insist on babbling-- " Kurapika said. " It's the truth. " The female said. " Everything that he has told us so far is sincere. " She stated. " There you have it. This is reality. " Chrollo stated. 

" You're the ones who're cornered. " He said. " What do you mean by that? " Kurapika asked. " I mean his heartbeat is perfectly normal. He's not shaken by any of this. He's not worried or scared even of death. He's accepted his destiny. I can hear that he walks with death every single day of his life. How can he produce such a sound? " She said. " Make it stop, I can't take any more I don't want to listen to either one of you. " She admitted. 

 " Oh, Melody. " Kurapika said. " He truly believes that he has no real value as a hostage whatsoever. And yet, the fact remains that he is the leader. Meaning that there must be someone with more value than him, but that doesn't make much sense. " Melody said. " What are you... what are you, people? " Kurapika asked. Chrollo turned his head towards the window, looking outside. A smile formed on his face as he saw a white-haired figure. 

" The spiders. " He responded. 


" Were you the leader of the troupe five years ago, when they mercilessly slaughtered the Kurta clan of the Scarlet eyes? " Kurapika asked losing his cool again. " Answer me! " He demanded. Chrollo turned towards Kurapika. " Are those the chains you used to kill Uvo? " Chrollo asked. " What were his last words? " He questioned. " I don't remember them. " Kurapika said. His eyes shone a bright red, they stayed like that every time he seemed to get angrier and angrier at Chrollo. 

" That isn't true, is it. Am I right Miss? " Chrollo asked. " That I can relate, I feel the same way. I have nothing to say to you. " He said. " Kurapika, he's trying to provoke you. Don't fall for it! " The driver said.  Kurapika put his chains away, or the one he was going to use. Kurapika picked Chrollo's phone up from his pocket, putting it to his ear. 

" Hello? " Phinks said from the other line. " I have three demands. " Kurapika said. " You the chain user? " Phinks asked. " The general rule is that you will do as I tell you to. If you don't obey, I'll kill your leader immediately. First, do not come after us. Second, do not harm the two hostages. Third, put Pakunoda on the phone. " Kurapika listed. " Can I ask you something first? " Phinks questioned. " It's about your second demand. " He said. 

" See your hostages started putting up a bit of a fight, so we had to break a few bones. " He said not letting the bluff affect his tone. " Then we're done negotiating here. " Kurapika said, hanging up the phone. Phinks quickly called back. " What? " Kurapika said. " Sory, I was lying. Both of them are okay. " Phinks stated. " This is your last chance, try to take it seriously. Now put Pakunoda on the phone. " Kurapika said. " Yes? Hello? " Pakunoda said. 

" You're the only one allowed to hear what I have to say. Move away from the others. " He demanded. Pakunoda walked up to the second floor of the hotel's plaza, standing in front of the railing. " Did you make contact with a man named Squala? " He asked. " Yes. " She confirmed. " So you're aware of Melody then? " Kurapika questioned. " I am. " She confirmed. " Good, this won't take long. " He stated. 

" Listen carefully, I forbid all further communication with the others. " He said. " No talking, gesturing, writing, signaling, or making eye contact. None of that is allowed. Come to the place I designate. And come alone. If your heart rate changes even in the slightest, I will kill the hostage. Understood? " He asked. " Hand over the phone, anyone but the man from before. " Kurapika demanded. 


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