3 - The Shadow Beasts

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Chrollo had received a call from Uvogin as they reported what happened. " No merchandise? " He asked. " None, in fact, the vault was completely empty. The auctioneer was the only one who knew the whole situation. And according to him all of the items were taken to a new location a few hours ago. It's like, they expected this to happen. Like they were fully prepared for it. " Uvo stated.

" Oh. " Chrollo let out. " Don't you think the timing is just a little too coincidental? If you want to know what I think, we've got a Judas among us. " Uvogin stated. " So you're saying that one of us is a traitor? " Nobunaga questioned. " No, there isn't a traitor. And if you ask me Judas was nothing of the sort, it said that Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. But to betray all of us, what would one ask of the mafia? " Chrollo said.

" Think about it, what would the traitor gain by selling us out to them? Money? Fame? Status? Would that be enough to gratify any of us? Or dislake our thirst in any way. " Chrollo asked. " Nobody I've met is that way, no. " Uvogin said while scratching the side of his face. " Of course not. " Chrollo said. " And that's not all that doesn't add up. " He stated. " It's not? " Uvo asked. Juryoku jumped onto the platform.

She grabbed the closed book Chrollo had in his hands and placed it behind the rock where it was before. " If there was an informant, the mafia's response was pitifully inadequate. If they had known beforehand the Class-A bounties would appear at the auction from out of nowhere, they certainly would have bolstered their security. " Chrollo stated. " The guests came unarmed, which tells me none warned them. " He said.

" I can't argue with that. " Uvogin stated. " And that is why I believe that while someone did tip them off, it wasn't terribly specific. However, someone high up in the mafia community believed that information. " Chrollo said. " Okay, I think I follow ya. But I don't see how this information is getting from A to B. Whatever. So, what do you want us to do now? " Uvogin asked. " When you spoke with the auctioneer did you ask where the merchandise was moved? " Chrollo asked.

" I did. He kept insisting he didn't know all up until he died. Feitan tortured him so. " Uvogin said. " He had the worst luck of anyone today. " Feitan stated. " Did you manage to get the names of anyone who might know? " Chrollo asked. " Do you even have to ask? " Uvogin questioned. " The auction is run by the heads of the mafia community, leaders of gangs of each of the ten districts around the world. " Uvo began explaining.

" They're called the Ten Dons. This is the one time of the year that they all gather in a place to discuss business and issue orders. Orders which are then carried out by a special force called the Shadow Beasts. The team is comprised of components which are handpicked by each don, the best of the best. " Uvogin stated.

" Ah. I see. And since the Shadow Beasts weren't called upon to guard the auction house, the theory that they didn't know we were coming has even more credibility. " Chrollo stated. " That does make sense. " Uvo said. " The question remains, how did they remove the merchandise? " Chrollo questioned. " That's what I'm wondering. " Uvo said. " I heard a single Shadow Beast member turned up at the vault. " Uvogin stated.

" The safe itself is 25-square-meters and it was packed full of items waiting to be auctioned off. He walked in and then walked right back out empty-handed. The vault was completely bare, it was a guy in sunglasses who called himself the Owl. " Uvogin stated. " He must have a nen ability quite similar to Shizuku's. " Chrollo said. " Probably. " Uvo commented. " But surely, they noticed this after 500 people disappeared. They had to realize, that they were dealing with Nen users. " Chrollo stated.

" We can take em' can we? " Uvogin asked. " Of course. " Chrollo responded. " Put on a show for the pursuers. A disturbance big enough to draw out the Shadow Beasts. " Chrollo requested. Uvogin laughed. " I can hardly wait. " Uvo stated. Chrollo hung up on Uvogin only waiting for the best results. Juryoku giggled as she was lifted up by the gravity-based nen around her. She mimicked that of a ballerina while smiling widely.

" Flower. " Chrollo called out. Yoku looked down towards Chrollo. She still held the same smile while slowly being brought down. The long braid Paku made seemed to suit Yoku nicely. Hisoka only seemed to continue staring between Chrollo and Juryoku. Yoku touched the platform walking towards Chrollo. She set her hands on his shoulders then ran her arms around his neck giving him a big hug. His arms hung loose until he returned the hug.

He wore his own smile. Yoku moved her arms from around his neck as he also released her. Chrollo wasn't sure exactly what Yoku wanted. She had never said a word to anyone. They haven't even heard her voice before, only her giggles. Such a bright person didn't seem fit for a group of thieves such as them. Yoku thought otherwise. She cared for each of them, almost each of them. Yoku did not care for Hisoka. He was untrustworthy in her eyes.

Yoku placed a hand on Chrollo's head and placed a kiss on his forehead where his cross was. Yoku only smiled while Chrollo went slightly wide-eyed. It hadn't been the first form of affection Juryoku showed towards Chrollo, however, he would never truly get used to it. Since none of the Troupe grew up with affection it was rare to receive some. But with someone like Yoku, it would happen every now and then.

It wasn't unsettling but it wasn't pleasant, it was weird, or unfamiliar. Very strange, something that didn't seem to make sense which only built confusion. Yoku had been the same as most of them, her disability never affected anything she had to do. Many of the members questioned why she was affectionate but after a while, it became something that wasn't paid much attention to.


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