8 - A Mourning Melody

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Pakunoda and Juryoku had stopped at a store that sells all sorts of kimonos. Juryoku walked in first as Pakunoda wiped out the employees as well as anyone in the store. Yoku searched through all the different kimonos they had different shades and patterns. She stopped at a black and white kimono. " That one is black and white. " Pakunoda stated. Juryoku picked it up then got changed in a fitting room. 

Tonight they would play beautiful melody for Uvogin. " Yoku, I found something you might like. " Pakunoda stated. Juryoku turned her head. It was a black veil with white flowers. Yoku smiled and hugged Paku. She nodded. Pakuonda separated the front and back parts of her hair and did a long braid in the back while keeping her messy bangs. She twisted the braid into a bun while putting clips in place.

Pakunoda proceeded to put light makeup on Juryoku, she wanted to make it special since it was an important event to everyone in the Troupe. Paku placed the veil, it covered Juryoku's face. Yoku grabbed onto Paku's hand and they reached the entrance. Pakunoda grabbed a traditional umbrella and gave it to Juryoku. Yoku smiled nodding her head. Paku took this as a thank you and they continued their way to the auction. 


Pakunoda and Juryoku had to separate, Yoku wanted to reunite with Chrollo as soon as possible. Juryoku used her ability to lift herself up, bringing her above the cemetery building. She landed on the rooftop, taking a few stairs cases down until she heard the sound of an elevator stopping on that floor. She went inside, the numbers of the floors were in braille next to the buttons. Juryoku pressed on the 1st floor. 

She arrived at the 1st floor without any stops, it seemed that most of the people were on the 1st floor. She twisted the umbrella handle, it spun in her hands. Juryoku concentrated on sensing Chrollo's aura. She got a connection after waiting for a couple of minutes, she hurried back towards the elevator. Yoku had a strange feeling that it would lead him straight to her. There were 3 armed men waiting around the elevator, most likely there for protection. 

And even more down every hallway, It was a pity they chose to work here today. Juryoku stepped back standing near the wall that faced the elevators. She twisted the handle of her umbrella once again. The elevator in the middle lit up. She heard two pairs of footsteps, even on a carpeted floor, they were just as noticeable. " I believe we have a soul. " Chrollo said. " Hm? " A high-pitched voice let out. 

" See, that's why I wanted to fulfill my dead friend's wish. " He said. " It's what he would've wanted. " He stated. " What wish? " The girl asked. Juryoku smiled. " To wreak havoc. " Chrollo said under his breath. The girl began to fall down. Her body turned face upright as he caught her. " Are you okay? " He asked in a worried tone. " Call a doctor quickly! " He called out to the henchmen. 

" First floor, we've over by the north elevator. Someones sick, call an ambulance. " A henchman said through a mic. " You're kidding me! What if she dies? What happens then huh?! " Chrollo yelled out in fake distress. " She's the daughter of the Nostrade Family boss if she dies here it's on your head understand?! " He continued yelling. They decided to call an ambulance because she has been favored by the Ten Dons. 

She was taken safely while Chrollo said his worried goodbyes. Chrollo then turned the next hallway, making his way into a dimmer-lit room. He went into the room, grabbing a couple of pens from a cup as he caught his victim. Stabbing the pens into him then dragging him into another room. Chrollo tied him up on a chair making sure that he left a drop of blood. He waited for his next victim. 

It didn't take long until the other man arrived. " Don't worry. I don't use cheap traps. " Chrollo stated as he peered over the tied man he had been a corpse by now. He grabbed the pen off of the corpse's head and pulled it out. " One-on-one. " Chrollo said. " Sounds good. " The older man stated. It didn't take long until he too was defeated by Chrollo. He was given a slow death. " Why? " The older man asked while laughing. " Why? " He continued asking. 

" Why am I alive? What's happening. " He questioned. " This is an indoor fish. " Chrollo stated. " A nen fish that can only live in enclosed spaces. A carnivore that prefers human flesh, you don't bleed or feel pain as you're eaten. You can't die until the nen fish disappears. " Chrollo explained. The man only laughed. Chrollo pressed a button on a remote he had. The big window in front of him slowly came down. 

The nen fish began disappearing. Juryoku decided to step into the room. Chrollo turned around to face her. " Flower, you came at the perfect moment. " He said. Juryoku ran towards him dropping her umbrella in the process. She hugged him. Then let go as they were going to begin to honor Uvogin by wreaking havoc. " Sing for me, your voice will reach the hearts of all the sacrifices. " Chrollo said. Yoku smiled. 

He took a breath in as he relaxed. Chrollo brought his arms up as he was going to start the orchestra. Juryoku extended her aura all around the building, it covered the henchmen. Once she heard the gunshots outside she began to sing. By every 3 gunshots, she would decapitate one henchman. 

Forever sat the precious moon is lost. The others mourn him with ceremony grand. Rising up to heaven the mighty moon of frost. With a melody from the mourning band. Well, Uvo. Can you hear it? We dedicate this requiem to you. 


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