Chapter 24

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Aniya's POV.

"What?" Mariah says slightly sitting up.

I hurry and get off of her and try to find my shirt.

"Shit, shit!" I whisper.

She quickly gets up, and turns to me buttoning up my shirt. I look around, for something. Or perhaps, a hiding spot for her.

"Uh... quick! Get in the closet. Hurry."

She doesn't ask questions and just does as she's told. She hurries and gets in the closet. "I'll be back soon just be quiet..." I say, then open the door.

"Grace! What are you doing here?"

She looked up from her phone and smiled when she saw me. "Hey babe, I just came by to give you these."

They were white tulips. "Oh my god. They're so beautiful, Grace. Thank you. You're sweet."

We stare at each other for a second then I break eye contact. Grace then tries to lean in for a kiss but I politely dodge it.

"I have a cold, I think, so uhm... I don't want you to, uhm. Get it-"

Grace laughs. "Just say you don't wanna kiss me. I won't get my feelings hurt. Well, maybe a little."

I look down to the floor, smile at her, then pick up the flowers, and put them in a purple vase.

"Thank you. Again, for the flowers, really. It was... really nice of you to swing by just to give me these." I look at her and tuck a hair behind my ear. "You didn't have to..."

"Of course." She says, putting a hand on top of mine. "And," she adds "I know. I wanted to." She smiles.

I smile but then pull away from her hand on mine, clearing my throat. "Well I'm kind of busy, grading papers and stuff so yea... You should go..."

"Yea..." Grace crosses her arms. "Hey what were you really doing before I got here?"

My smile fades a bit, but I quickly force another. "Excuse me?"

"Your shirt is inside out, Aniya. I'm curious, what were you doing?" She shrugs. "Also," she adds "why is your lipstick smudged?"

I put my fingers up to my lips, and look down at my shirt. "Shit, I didn't have any clothes on when you got here. So I had to throw on a shirt." I say shrugging. "And I was eating something earlier it got messy, I guess. And I guess I tried to wipe it off, but it stained a bit..."

"Why didn't you have any clothes on?"

"Because I was hot."

"Well..." she says getting closer to me. "I can make you hotter..." Grace says as she puts one finger under my chin, lifting
it slightly. I look at her lips making it harder to focus, and trying so hard not to give in to her charm she had. I wanted to kiss her but I just couldn't, and I didn't know why and it killed me.

"Grace..." I walk back. "I have to work. I'm sorry."

"Why are you being so distant lately, Aniya? Really. Did I do something?"

I then remember everything I've done with Mariah. Which made me almost cry. I had never cheated on anyone, ever. I was always the one getting cheated on. Who knows, Grace is probably cheating on me as well, but I wouldn't blame her.

But then again, I have no room to speak.

I look up at her and my lip trembles a bit, then I look down, praying she didn't notice.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?"

Shit she noticed.

I look up at her forcing a smile. "No, nothing. I'm fine. I'm just really stressed with work and everything. It's nothing."

"No bu-"

"Grace," I stop her, putting my hands on the sides of her arms. "You should go. I'll call you later."

She looks at me with a disappointed look on her face. "Fine." Then she walks out.

I let out the biggest sigh, then silently start to cry. Although, I didn't know why I was crying. Was it because I felt bad for being a horrible wife by cheating, or because I didn't love Grace the way I used to and didn't know what to do about it?

Or maybe both...?

I didn't know. I felt, dare I say, numb. But, then again, this is all on me.

I then remember Mariah was in my closet. I quickly wipe my tears, and trying to make it less obvious I was crying. I let out a small breath, then go to my bedroom.

I open the closet door, and pull her out.

"She's gone."

She laughs. "Why was she here in the first place?"

"I could say the same for you." I say, walking out of my room.

"Hey! I came here to hang out with my-" she stops.

"Your... what?" I look back and smile slightly.

"My science teacher? I don't know, what are we?"

I laugh. "I don't know. You tell me. What are we, Mariah?"

"Girlfriend and girlfriend?"

I laugh again. "Sure. If you like that."

She smiles, then kisses me.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

"I don't mind it." She looks up at me. "Do you?"

I smile. "Not in the slightest."

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