Chapter 02 ㅡ A Distraction

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Y/N's POV 
The bell tinged as everyone crammed their belongings impatiently and got up to leave for the lunch break except for the boy beside me. He was seated comfortably, tapping on his phone as I gathered my things ever so slowly.

The thought of thanking him had had me stuck to my seat too. It was just us left in the otherwise vacant class.

 I clutched the hem of my skirt as I took in deep breaths to hush my racing heart down. 

'It wasn't like I was confessing, just a simple thankyou' I reminded myself. But just as I turned around, having prepared my gratitude, Jungkook got up and was already walking towards the door. 

"Jungkook" my voice came out alarmed but it attained me what I was aiming for. 

He stopped in his tracks and turned to my nervous figure. Raising his eyebrows at my frozen figure, I was brought back to articulate what I wanted to. 

"Thank you" I spoke a little louder than I was accustomed to as I didn't want him to think that I was another one of the rich parent's brats who saw their shame in thanking someone. 

But when did I even start to think about what others took me as? The last time I checked, I was totally fine with students whispering about me in the corridors, that too in my presence.

He gave me a subtle nod that I almost thought I had imagined. He turned to leave again and my heartbeat was back to being regular as I had done what I was willing to do. 

But when I threw my bag across my shoulder and turned to leave, his tall stature standing still behind me, startled me as I let out an audible gasp. 

He mumbled a short sorry as I quickly took a few steps back, creating a distance between us. "I didn't quite catch your name," he said and I could swear he had lowered his voice for some unfathomable cause. 

"Y/n" I replied as he nodded, biting the edge of his lip as if contemplating whether to let out something. 

"Want to have lunch with me?" I must have had a cynical expression on my face as he looked famished for a moment. 

"In return for my help, you can do that, right?" He quickly added as I took a minute to think.

Only it wasn't a minute but longer than that as when I turned to reply to him, he was checking the time on his phone.

 "Fine," I spoke, catching his attention. I didn't want to owe him anything either. 

"I have something to take care of, I'll join you in the cafeteria right after that," he said and I nodded, grabbing my bag and leaving. 

too much for thinking he was different from others. 

even If I hated to admit it, I had, just for a second, thought he was a good guy. I wasn't the one to presume demeanors based on looks so his offer of genuine help had flattered me. 

but it took no more than a minute for him to etch his true intentions in front of me; he wanted something in return for his help that I hadn't asked for and that had dropped his rank in my mind to the same status as the jerks who troubled me for fun.

in the silent walls of the empty classroom, my raged breathing echoed louder than ever and that added fuel to my anger only for me to recall why another guy's cheap behavior is bugging me so much. 

Maybe it's the outcome of today's interaction with my mom as for a week, she hadn't been home because of a business meeting. 
a sudden scoff left my lips that warned me of some tears waiting to roll down but I suppressed them like every time.

 just the thought of my parent's way of dealing with me always shook me to the core. it was something I could never talk to someone about. 

giving my head a shake, I tried to shake out the thoughts inside too.

I took out my vibrating phone to see my driver's message. He was waiting for me outside and only then did I remember that I had been ordered to come home early today.

There was no time for lunch with a guy I had just met but the thought of owing him something irked me. 

Trekking to the full cafeteria, I spotted him on the farthest table, sitting all alone with just his phone giving him company. I bit my lip, wondering how to back out from my words now. 

Just then a boy which I recognized to be from class 6 walked past me and an idea clicked in my mind.

I knew him because he too liked to spend most of his free time in the library. "Do me a favor, hmm?" I beckoned him as he nodded. I had helped him with a few things in the past so he might have felt obliged to return my favors like this as he didn't averse a tad bit when I instructed him on what to do when I had been expecting him to completely back out just like any other sane person who didn't want to get in trouble would. 

I tore out a sticky note from my bag and hastily scribbled out the words onto it. "Here take this and give it to him," I said, pointing at Jungkook's figure who waited for me patiently. 

Having quickly disappeared right after the boy left, I wasn't able to witness Jungkook's reaction to my note which said I couldn't come with my name written below.  

Was he angry after reading it? Or did it not matter to him if a girl couldn't have lunch with him? What if I had hurt his ego by rejecting his offer after agreeing to it and more by not even showing up to apologize and instead, sending a stupid note as an immature person would. 

An exasperated sigh left me unknowingly. Why in the world were a boy's thoughts keeping me so immersed in them that I had been surprised when the chauffeur had opened the door for me at the front of our house. 

He sure was a distraction.   

I lazily sauntered to my room and slammed the door as loudly as I could. My parents wouldn't be home by evening and till that, I could have a very needed, alone time.

rubbing my damp hair with a towel, I walked out of the shower into my silent room. I sat down at my desk, once more spreading open my maths book. but after a few questions, the thought I was avoiding to let in my mind for hours erupted in as the scenes from morning rolled in. his gentle voice with me, his offer of help when he was known to be the rudest jerk to walk on earth, all had, unintentionally, fluttered my heart. 

but a sudden scoff on the thought of him wanting me to accompany him for lunch as a return to his un-asked help reminded me that I wasn't bothered by his presence and would forget about him in a week.

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