Chapter 06 ㅡ A Strange Relationship

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You stared at him in disbelief and that was enough to let him know his words were far understandable to you. He clicked his tongue and turned himself to face you. His eyes that always seemed aimed and concentrated were lost and distant. 

For the first time ever, the bad boy was nervous.

"See" he finally gained courage to speak. "My reputation, let's just say, isn't the best, alright ? I know that" he stalled off, words coming over him. 

You looked straight at him, wondering what's going on in his mind. He was always so certain about what he said, always on point. Then that meant whatever he was about to say was something really big. 

"I'll be straight, I want you to help me study" he mumbled but you caught it very well yet didn't understand it. He groaned, licking his lips. "My worried about me cause I haven't really been paying heed to my education, I know she's right and I'm starting to get worked up about that too" 

"What does It have to do with me?" You said, cluelessly.

"You still don't get it?" You shook your head. He sighed. Probably regretting asking you for this. 
"You're good at studies, what I'm asking is that if you can help me focus too, you know, catch me up on the syllabus and stuff we've done so far" he was really being verbal this time. And that thankfully made you understand it all. 

"But I'm not very good at teaching, I'm not even that good of a student" you honestly stated. "There are other top students too and the teacher" 

"Yeah but you don't judge me" he blurted out. 

"How can you say that?" You asked.

"Because you don't look like someone who'd judge? I don't know" he dragged.

"That's you judging me right now," you said. Your passive face really irked him now. He was overly nervous and agitated and here were you, all calm and serene. 

"So?" He wanted a clear answer. A proper response. 

"If it returns the favour then yes" you said. 

"Thankyou" a faint smile touched his lips. One that made you feel some type of way. Like something just tickled at your heart, something rushing through your veins. You nodded. Too stunned to return a smile, partially self - conscious of yours not holding the beauty of his. 

"So where do we start?" He asked, taking much more interest than you expected him to. That too from the very first session.

You both sat at the library, at the very back of it to avoid the sceptical gazes thrown your way. You were honestly as nervous as anyone could be but yet you didn't want to refuse his favour. When he first told you about wanting something, your mind had taken you to thoughts that weren't suitable for saying out loud. His wish had taken you aback and left you astonished. You didn't expect him to ask for something like this. 

"I'm not very good at math" you decided to tell him beforehand. Although your first interaction with him was enough to let him in on that knowledge. 

"Hmm...its alright, I'm not very bad at it, I think I'll be able to handle it on my own '' he chimed. The way he was completely comfortable around you made you feel like a good person. Maybe the sudden decision of apologising to him wasn't that bad after all. 

"In English you might've heard that vocabulary is the most important" you begin, speaking in a slow and soft voice. "That's only the half-truth" he nodded his head, paying all his attention to your words. 

"Vocabulary when writing and when speaking varies, there are words that are too hard to be understandable when spoken, and if you can't convey your message properly then all that English lessons were of no use" Jungkook stared right at you as you explained to him the very first English lesson.

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