Chapter 16 ㅡ The Cruelty Of A Woman

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"Thank You so much Mr. Choi" Jungkook depicted a resonant fondness of gratitude to the driver. "I'm glad that I could be of some help to get Ms. Y/n out of that hell" he gave Jungkook a conclusive nod and then drove off. 

You stood behind Jungkook, clutching his hands tightly, still skittish that someone might take you away again. "It's alright, let's go home now," Jungkook said softly. Home. Have you ever had one? It was eerie how all an affluent girl like you desired was a home to keep you warm and a family to give you love. Maybe it was asking for too much, maybe you didn't deserve it. 

"What are you thinking?" Jungkook asked as the elevator door closed shut, leaving you both in the small silent compartment. You wavered for a brisk moment and let it show. "You'll not leave me right?" You questioned, wide eyes foraging for any indication of anything on his face. 

He soughed, shifting to face you. He gently pushed his palm against your burning cheek, looking at your eyes that held so many queries, so many doubts. 

"Why would I? You're the most perfect and kindest girl I've ever seen, leaving you wouldn't even be the last thing I'd want to do" you gave him a poignant smile as tears rose behind your eyes. 


Jungkook couldn't see you like this. Fragile and shattered. Only if he hadn't kissed you that day, everything would've gone just as finagled. Jungkook shuddered away from the thoughts and impatiently looked for her mom's smallest pair of house wear. At last, finding a white half sleeve, knee-length dress. It wasn't fancy and looked ok. 

He walked back to the lounge where you sat idly, staring into the void. Clearing his throat to not startle you, he beamed when you looked back at him. 

"Here, go and change, I'll prepare something for you to eat" you gently took the piece of clothing from his hands and disappeared inside the room he was in moments before. 


The lights blazing brighter than ever inside the petite house, the maids hid inside the pantry, whispering among them the issue of who will be the scapegoat and present themselves to their Boss. 

The heels clicked against the shiny marble floor as your mom strutted through the corridor. Her emerald green gown flowing behind her, she stopped before the door, bettering her gold rings. 

The door was pushed open ajar as a sneer so atrocious appeared on her face on the belief of you inside. In the darkness consuming the room, she waited on the threshold, calling for her servant to bring a torch. 

At last, the poor house caretaker was forced to go out as all the other maids sighed in relief. The old woman nervously stepped to Mrs. Kim's upright figure. She didn't bother to glance at the maid standing, head bowed and hands crossed behind her back, but just ordered for her phone.

The maid scurried away and was back in less than a moment, the desired object clutched in her hands. 

Mrs. Kim clicked open the device only to see ten missed calls from her husband. A grimace took over her face as she read the messages from him, those being about your wellbeing. 

She closed the messages application, realizing that if she wanted you to be where she selected, she had to be quick about it. Quick enough to get rid of you before your father came to know about it. 

She switched on the flashlight and finally stepped into the unilluminated room. The flash from her phone bounced on the walls on just a gesture from her wrist as she walked in further. The room wasn't that large, just vertical which made it seem longer. 

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