Chapter 08 ㅡ The Impossible

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Jungkook wondered why you were so hell-bent on doing the project alone. Surely the teacher was the one who would make sure everyone played their parts when doing an assignment together and give points likewise, then what was it that made her leave you on your own?

It didn't seem like a big deal to him to ask the teacher's permission to work with you yet he sensed himself getting anxious before knocking on the door before him. 

As the teachers 'come in' was heard in reply, jungkook found himself taking a deep breath before walking inside. "Yes, jungkook?" He had to admit, the teacher had hid her surprise well. almost as if it wasn't there and it was equally routine for a student like him to be standing in a teacher's room. 

"About the project, you assigned us this morning" jungkook felt his throat dry out. He wasn't sure if his words and way of speech were polite enough to converse with a teacher. "I wanted to ask if Kim y/n can do it with me". 

The teacher grimaced. Then contemplated a thought thoroughly. Gave Jungkook a suspicious side-eye. Then nodded. Stopped nodding. And at last, spoke.

  "Did Kim y/n tell you this herself?" She asked. Jungkook wasn't sure if he could say that. But it wasn't like you disagreed too. There was some kind of pressure around you that he had discerned. Or was it fear?

"I don't have anyone to work with, nor does she have a partner," he said and this time the teacher didn't bother to hide her stupefaction. her raised eyebrows translated to Jungkook as; 'you? Project?'. 

Suddenly, he was a little boy. Crunching up his report card to fit it in his bag as his heartbeat louder in his ears. Then he was sitting beside his mom in front of a teacher's desk with the professor on the opposite side. He was asking his mother how she managed to help Jungkook study with work and if he was taking lessons outside. Moments later he was hiding behind the wall, eavesdropping on his mother and aunt's conversation. She was telling his mother to keep a check on his room and mobile phone as she would never know when he would be taken captive by bad influence. 

He physically gave himself a shake and returned to the present. It had been years since he had experienced a situation like this and received a watch like this. 

But he wasn't here to be deterred by just a mocking glance. His promise to himself to be a better man wasn't that easy to waver. Instead, all these dubious gazes added fuel to his already blazing passion of proving them all wrong. That a boy without a father can do anything if he has a mother as he does. 

He raised his chin and waited for a response that he was here for. 

"Alright, I'll let you know about it tomorrow" the teacher's lowered head did the talking at the end of the conversation. He walked out after giving a small bow in the teacher's direction that wasn't intended and had left him alarmed too. 


"Y/N I want you to wait for me" you were sobbing, tears constantly wetting your face in the darkness. "everything will be alright, ok? You believe me right? I'll make everything good" the voice went on, as the figure spoke to you. You stood shivering on what was a deep black surface, everything dark with just you and him. 

"Wait for me y/n" his voice trailed off as he slowly disappeared into the mist. You pivoted your neck hastily, looking for his gone presence. His name came out more like a sob than sound. You screamed for him in absolute silence as your shaking figure was pinned to the ground. You wiggled like a fish out of water but the grip only tightened. First your hands, then your feet, and then your throat. 
Your red eyes flew open as you choked out a terrifying sound in an attempt to inhale oxygen. The sound echoed around the darkroom as your hand and feet curled around the sheets, refusing to move and numb as ice. 

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