Chapter 13 ㅡ In Love

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You were seated on one of the bleachers in the football stadium, reminiscing about the time when you had put all your trust in Jungkook and told him everything from A to Z. It was just last week yet it felt like months ago when you were all alone in your depressing life.

The past week has been life-changing for you. Jungkook had confessed and you had accepted it. Only it wasn't as easy as it sounds. He had to threaten, beg, swear and promise a million beautiful dreams for you to agree despite your mom's nature.

Both of you had settled on keeping your relationship a secret and opening it to your family when Jungkook had graduated and could provide you with an adequate life.

The last gasp of winter jigged around the city as you wrapped your arms around your body, gently rubbing your palms on your forearms to soothe the scattered goosebumps. Suddenly, you felt a weight over your shoulders and then he sat down beside you.

With his charming smile on display, he tied the sleeves of his jacket, which was now over you, to completely cover your arms from the breezy afternoon.

"Thank you," you said with a gentle smile and peeked at the sky. But Jungkook's coffee eyes were fixated on your face. "You look so beautiful" he suddenly complimented as you pursued your lips together in shyness.

You felt like you were in someone else's skin. You felt like a stranger to yourself. Because this was never you. You had never experienced these heights of happiness nor did you think of yourself worthy of love.

Yet all it took Jungkook to change that was seven days.

Jungkook gapped at you secretly smiling but was taken aback when that smile completely disappeared from your features. You shifted to face him with an indecipherable expression as he waited for you to let whatever goes in your mind out.

"Jungkook," you said. "Are we doing the right thing?" His features softened before he kept his hand on your cold ones, the warmth seeping through.

"What makes you think that it's wrong?" He questioned with a silky voice that ringed like a melody in your ears. "I'm not sure, it's just....I don't want to repeat the past" you stated nervously. Jungkook tightened his grip on your hands, keeping them from shaking.

He knew it was hard for you to rebel against your mother who had once shown how callous and perilous she can get in your brother's life. He appreciated how you had still agreed to whatever jungkook had said despite being extremely fearsome of your family.

"It's just a few days love," he said. "Our result will be given today and then after our graduation, I'm going to try my best on finding a suitable job and get you out of that prison as soon as possible"

He was right. It was just a few days until your graduation, today being your parent council meeting before you would be set free. You trusted him more than anything and weren't going to ruin his positivity by imagining the worst of scenarios and keeping them in front of him, demanding a solution in return which surprisingly he every time gave.

Jungkook had already talked to his mom about you. He was astonished when she replied with; "I know, I've seen the way you look at her". He had gone red as a tomato at her remark but nevertheless felt happy that he had such strong feelings towards you.

When you had admitted your love back to him, he had felt on top of the world. As if it was just you and him, flying in the clear skies with no one that could break you both apart.

But with that confession had come your terrifyingly horrific life that had sucked the happiness he had felt seconds before right out of him and he had fallen to the ground with a pang of a wound in his heart for you.

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