Chapter 17 ㅡ Spring Day

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The house caretaker's hands quivered outrageously as she respired laboriously on her third futile try on the passcode. It was a wrong move. Absolutely wrong one to be messing with her mistress's phone while she was just a wall away. But her fondness and tenderness towards you were all that pulled her into this stunt inevitably.  

She let out a silent sigh of pristine solace when the mobile finally unlocked. She went through the contacts rapidly and had soon clasped the device against her ear, whispering hushed forewarnings to the other side. 

"You have to do something, she'll kill them both" she severely said, now having imperilment, retaining her voice low. Just when the response was about to reach her, a squawking frightening yell of none other than the monstrous woman who owned this hell reverberated in the tranquillity of the hallway.

The maid's feet fluttered as she stood with her head bowed. Mrs. Kim hailed her to bring her phone. the same phone that was tucked inside her apron right now. 

She hurried away and stood before the flight of stairs. She waited a few moments to give the accurate and unsuspected impression of her looking for the phone and then walked back with the device taken out from her apron and clutched in her hand.

"Leave," Mrs. Kim said in a low register and that was when the housemaid had discovered that her wrath had reached its limitations. You were in a fierce hazard and no one could save you. Not even that boy. 


Your dad ended the call with a sigh of unease and trepidation. His hand dabbing on the gold palette that read 'CEO Kim' in bold lettering, his eyes fought back tears. 

He had been, belatedly but at last, thinking about her daughter. His only heiress and his own blood. The wound of his young son's death hadn't healed when you had become the victim of pressure, anger, and domination. He was blind. Absolutely blind to not have seen you getting treated like that by your mother. But what was he supposed to do when the love of his life and his flesh stood opposite each other. Who was he really supposed to side with?

'Y/N, he was definitely supposed to stand beside you'  the answer that hadn't made an appearance for years echoed evidently in his brain. In his heart and in his soul. He was obliged to fight against evil and support the good. He had to be the one to defend you, to protect you.

The words of his son rang in his ears constantly as if on loop.

"I didn't expect this from you dad, I've already forgiven you for not supporting me but protecting y/n, your daughter, was your responsibility that I can't let slide"  Even after three years, he remembered the precise sentence he had said. 

You were his responsibility, his daughter that needed him the most.
The hot rush of moisture whetted his face as he gently tapped them away. The dimness of his gigantic office concealed his tears but the silence of the spacious vacant room increased the decibels of his sniffling making him discern just how vulnerable he was when it came to you. 

He hovered his hands over the photo frame that stood proudly on his table. His fingertips came to gently caress your face and then moved sideways to do the same with his son. 

The tears fell like rain on the glass front, blurring your smiling figure standing unwavering in the beautiful picture. You were the happiest when with your brother and he had managed to steal that from you too. 

He lifted the frame to his face and pressed his lips against Hyunsuk. Then yours. Enfolding his arms around it, he held it close to his heart and shut his eyes. He was such a bad father. He had failed to prove his fatherly love to both his children. One was dead and the other was ruined. All in his watch. All before his wide-open eyes. 

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