Chapter 04 ㅡ An Uninvited Guest

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Y/N's POV 
I sat in absolute silence, waiting for the clock to strike eight- the time the first class begins. Students preferred to spend as much time as possible out of the class before they were confined to sit still and focused. I was glad that they could not control their teenage energy and always had to be doing something to work it out, that gave my tired and calm self almost an hour of quietness before the first class began every morning.

As I turned off the music from my phone and plucked my ear buds out, a lazily trudging figure walked in. His feet creasing on the marble floor ㅡcausing an annoying soundㅡ and his head hung low, eyes limited to the screen clutched in his hands.

Jungkook hadn't taken note of my presence in the otherwise vacant class and was yawning, brushing his hair with his free hand.

As I coughed, turning my eyes to the open literature book, I felt him still, his eyes boring holes on my lowered head. A few minutes passed by and just when I thought he had left, the chair beside me was dragged behind, screeching in the room. This boy sure liked making unnecessary noise.

As he stumbled his bag down from his shoulder, I turned to take a tentative peek at him. His impassive face suggested that he was upset. But I wasn't certain that I was the reason for it as if it was me, he wouldn't choose to sit beside me despite the numerous empty desks. 

Whether or not he was angry at me, I couldn't bring myself to start a conversation. Deciding to keep quiet, I diverted my attention but his voice ceased me.

"I don't want to cause a disturbance by claiming another student's fixed seat, that's why I'm baring to sit here, don't get any ideas" he said, in a voice so hostile. 

My widened eyes quickly dropped as I turned to hide my furrowed brows. What the hell did he mean by getting ideas? What kind of ideas would I get ?. Well, at least it confirmed to me the fact that I was solely the reason for his sulking. 

The distant voices of chattering increased as the students started to fill in the desks,The peculiar gazes thrown my and Jungkook's way not going unnoticed by me. 

As the teacher stood on the podium beginning to talk, the class fell silent. Scribbling away in my notebook, It was hard not to get distracted by Jungkook's still figure. He wasn't willing to study nor did he attend every math class. Perhaps, was he expecting an in- person apology from me ? Was that why he not only chose to be in this boring class but also picked to sit beside me? 

Honestly, I had spend a few minutes ㅡ or maybe hours ㅡ of last night, thinking about how I had hurt his feelings. It just wasn't in my nature to be the cause of someone's distress. I knew I had kept him waiting back in the cafeteria and also that, sometime in some way, I had to return his favor. 

It would definitely be hard to talk to him if not now, in this class. How would I find him in this huge campus with only knowing his name anyway? 

As I gained courage and worked out an idea, the maths lecture was totally forgotten. Clearing my already clear throat, I slumped myself back into the chair, just how I had yesterday.

I twisted my pen between my fingers, biting the inside of my cheek, pretending to look curiously at the unsolved question.

I felt Jungkook's eyes analyzing my situation and just then, to add to my already Oscar winning performance, I sighed with a hint of resignation. As his eyes tore away from me uninterestedly, I panicked inside, but that soon subsided as I was sure my next stunt was going to be certainly successful. 

My orbs looking his way reluctantly, I raised myself to my notebook. Keeping sure of his eyes focused on my doings, I pointed a finger at my notebook.

Squeezing my lips between my teeth, I waited for any movement. Just then, a sigh was heard as Jungkook leaned closer, his eyes scanning my notes. When a scoff left his mouth, I knew he had seen it. He backed away, a figment of smile still hinting on his lips as I held back mine.

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