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In the spring breeze that teetered your hair, you gingerly smooth your fingertips on the fabric of your cotton pajamas. The threshold of the balcony, which was now your seat, was uncomfortable. But you had been feeling too stuffy and trapped inside the unfurnished house that gave away the impression of haunted houses. 

The key clicked inside the lock as Jungkook twisted it in and pushed the door ajar. He removed his shoes and discarded the coat off his shoulders all while roving his eyes around the house, looking for you. He settled the box of take-out on the kitchen marble top, flexing his finger joints. On other evenings, you would either be slouched on the couch with your laptop on your folded legs and round glasses perched on your button nose or pushing the door ajar of your bedroom and running straight into his arms.

But today none of those options were taking place. His eyebrows crinkling in sadness rather than agitation, he bounded through the short hallway to reach the bedroom you both shared. Not making a tiny bit of noise as to want to see just what craft were you so busy in, he looked around the vacant room that was yet to be furnished with only a queen size matters laid on the right corner and a built-in cupboard on the left wall until his eyes caught your figure sitting in the balcony's threshold. 

"Love?" He called out, his gentle voice ringing louder in the silence. He watched as you whipped around your hair bouncing off your shoulders as you quickly turned back around. He noticed how your hands moved along your face before you finally stood up and walked out. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming in" you muttered and sat down on the mattress that had your various books and laptop scattered around. Jungkook's scrutiny visibly made you nervous as you avoided his eyes.

 "Did you cry?" He questioned as you muffled out an awkward laugh while shaking your head that crankled Jungkook's heart into thinking the worst of scenarios. 

"Since when did my innocent wife learn to lie?" He softly asks, laying down in front of you. You shook your head in refusal, adamant about keeping your sorrow to yourself but when he pulled your chilly hands in his warm palms, you couldn't help but sigh in surrender. Tears once more accumulated in your already moistened eyes as Jungkook got into a sitting posture, panicked. 

"Come on, I'm all ears" he whispers as you limit your eyes to the duvet spread beneath you. "I- Jungkook I" your voice trembled for some reason that he was oblivious about but as the silence stretched longer, Jungkook figured it all out. 

"It isn't your fault, darling," he says, knowing that you had been thinking about Mrs. Kim again. "But I didn't even go to meet her a-and….and she even asked for forgiveness" you tumbled out, the ache of tears pressuring against your forehead, producing a headache. "Do you want to forgive her?" He questions as you reserve a moment to ponder before shaking your head.

 "Did you want to meet her?" He hurls another query to clear answers in your mind rather than quenching his inquisition. "No" you mumble. Jungkook sighs. The quandary in your mind was one that couldn't be untangled no matter what. You Couldn't bring yourself to forgive them but also sometimes regretted your resolve.

 "It's so hard Jungkook" you exasperate as he wraps his arms around your shoulders and smooths his hand on your back. "E-even after everything's ended, I'm still stuck and struggling….she's ruined me but I can't not forgive her" you resist to bawl as Jungkook wipes away the iridescent droplets falling off your chin. 

"You don't have to rush" he brushes his fingers along the lengths of your hair. "No one is asking you to make a decision, y/n…take your time, whether it takes years or decades, do not push yourself to choices that you detest" 

"I've taken a decision Jungkook," you say. "I'm ready to meet dad" even though Jungkook's face is away from your eyes, you didn't need to see it to know what expression would be shadowing over it now. "Are you sure?" He affirms, already contemplating the circumstances. "Hmm, I've been thinking about it for a long time now and I think I can do it" you confirm as he gives you a pat and mutters an ok. 

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