Chapter 19 ㅡ A Happy Ending

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Mr. Kim stared at the file in his hands, the pen twisting between his fingers. "Sir?" A courteous voice ringed in the stillness of the office compartment. His eyes alleviated to catch a distant and unintentional glimpse of the boy he didn't know was still here.  

Gradually, things started making meaning again. He once more began the little exercise he had molded to keep his mind from wandering off in the strangest of times. 

I'm in my office, my wife is at home, my son is dead, y/n is safe, she is happy, she is free, she hates me 

He repeated the words. Again and again to gain consciousness but to the train of his thoughts were you the destination. He was worried but more guilty. "Sir? the papers" the young boy spoke up once more.

It was perceptible that his boss wasn't in his right state of mind at the moment but what would his fault be when the project's official contract wouldn't have the company president's signature?

Mr. Kim twisted the ballpoint pen open and quickly scribbled his signature. Settling the paper for the boy to pick up, he threw his coat on his shoulders and was out the door in a moment. 

His heart just felt oppressing for his chest to handle. He seemed to struggle to inhale and exhale. Something was awfully wrong and he could sense it. 


"Come on mom, that's so absurd" Jungkook mewled as his mom closed the door of her room. Her room in which you hid from his eyes to see. According to his mom, it was a tradition for the groom to stay away from the bride for at least a day before they are married. Listening to his mom's advice, he and his mother had arranged a simple wedding with just you three at your house. 

 "No more nonsense young man, I know what I am doing and this room is out of bounds for you now so back off" she shooed him away as Jungkook mumbled something in annoyance to himself and walked away. 

But he wasn't someone to give up this easily. He was the one who had bought you out of tha witch's house without getting caught. Meeting you in his own house should be a piece of cake for him. 

"You need to understand Jungkook, I know that you both aren't in entirely in a situation to follow these rituals but I really don't want to skip this little happiness, besides y/n will always feel more welcome like this" his mom explained, seeing the pout not budging to leave his lips. 

"But wouldn't she feel lonely?" He asked with wide dilated eyes. "What if she is uncomfortable?". His mother gave him a stern look and that was all it took to deter him. For the rest of the day, Jungkook suppressed his urge to implore his mom again knowing very well she won't just give him a look this time. 


Night fell and Jungkook laid awake in his room. Staring at the white wall, millions of thoughts ran through his head, you being in every single one of it. He was getting married tomorrow. 

A careless boy who had gone berserk just because of the absence of a father, a boy who everyone called an idiot and hadn't expected anything from him was now a responsible and mature man. He who was always playing around in college and never really paid heed to studies had now graduated with good grades. 

The sudden change in him was still surreal to think about. The way his life had turned upside down in just 2 weeks was eerie and sounded unbelievable. But it was all true.  

You have made it possible. 

You had carved him in his best form. Made him a gentleman. He remembered the first time he had set his eyes on you. He also replayed that he wasn't able to look anywhere except you after that. Though he had taken you as a bad person at first, it wasn't long before your innocence was clear in front of him. 

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