Chapter 11 ㅡ Back to Earth

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Jungkook laid on the couch, his hand holding up a ring and him dissecting it. You had left about two hours ago and he was still confined to this place. The first hour he had spent completing the work and the second in cleaning up the mess. While he was picking up the papers, his sights had found a ring on the place you sat at. He had never seen you wearing it so the fact that you were just carrying it around felt absurd. 

"Your friend left?" His mom came in, looking fatigued. He felt a pang in his heart on seeing his mom sighing and taking a sip of water. He had never liked how his mom worked so hard to make a living. It's supposed to be the man's responsibility. But he reminded himself that it was just a year away when he would take the place of the breadwinner. He swore that he wouldn't let his mom move a muscle after that. 

"Yes," he replied, still sitting in the same posture. "What's so interesting about this ring?" His mom asked with a smile. "It's y/n's" he whispered. Her mom stared at her son. 

The fact that he had brought home a girl the first time in 8 years was peculiar enough. She knew his son wasn't the one to toy with girls no matter how high the bad influence got. She had seen how he had seemed to be nervous while introducing you to her. Almost as if you were his girlfriend. 

"But isn't that a guy's ring?" She asked. "Exactly," Jungkook admitted, nodding to himself more than replying to his mother. "I've never seen her wearing it". 

"So she just carries a guy's ring around?" She grimaced. "Return it, she must have a reason for it," she said at last and disappeared inside her bedroom. 

But that wasn't all to Jungkook's overly troubled mind. While working on making the PPT, he had connected the USB to his laptop to transfer your documents but his system had located a strange file with millions of viruses in it. He hesitated at first but then decided on opening it as if it was harmful, you would've disposed of it by now. 

That took him to a folder that was labeled with 'document 1'. A default name that you hadn't bothered changing. He felt the pressure of trespassing on your personal stuff for a brief moment before he was reminded by the number of viruses in it followed by the same thought as before. 

But when he opened it and the contents came into view, he knew it was something memorable and confidential to you. There were a ton of pictures of you with your parents but more of you with a boy. 

It was you, all dolled up with fancy dress and makeup, standing beside a guy. Both of you are grinning like crazy. Then another one where you were smiling at the camera and the same guy sitting beside you squeezing your cheeks with his hand. His hand which had a ring on his finger. The same ring that Jungkook was rolling between his fingers right now. 

Who was he? And where was he now? Why did you have his ring? 

There was only one way to know. 
"Hi" Jihoon greeted you like an old friend as you stood famished, still inside the elevator. The doors were about to close when Jihoon's palm came in between, the censors opening the door again. "You alright?" He asked as you nodded and stepped out. 

You clutched the strap over your shoulder tightly and walked out of the building, him striding beside you. He knew you weren't going to be the one to initiate a conversation so he decided to just begin. 
"Actually, my parents were at your house and your dad said that you were at a friend's house for work. The driver was coming to pick you up but I insisted on coming" he grinned at last. 

He was a good-looking guy with a smile that girls would die to receive, the smile that had been irking you in every possible way. Because no matter how special and valued a thing is when it is used so many times, it loses its charm. His smile was one of them.

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