Chapter 07 ㅡ Unveiling Secrets

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You sat still, staring right at your home slippers beneath the dining table. The chandelier created a blazing beam on the feast that hadn't been touched since you had been summoned down for breakfast. 

"Your maths quiz's result has been forwarded to us," your mother said. You bit your lip as painfully as possible and didn't dare raise your eyes. "We've been providing you with every high quality product you need, you're getting all the luxury that we can afford, what is it that's distracting you?" 

Tears brimmed on the corner of your eyes as you tried to blink them away. Your fingers were at war with each other as you tightly clutched your dress. Your mom exasperated a sigh, looking away from your trembling figure. You swallowed hard but the laboured breath only increased. 

"Come with me" your father got up and grabbed your hand. Your mom tried to stop him but he was quick to take you away. "Sit, here" he handed you a glass of water as you sat in his study room. "Its alright" he gently said, taking your hands in his palms. 
You nodded, calming down your heaving chest. 

He knew about your anxiety attacks and was there to take care of you everytime it happened. You were beyond grateful to him for the things all parents are obliged to do for their children.
"Search her room and bring me her phone" your mom ordered the maids as she stood on the threshold of your room. The maids went through your clothes, your drawers and all the other stuff you had. 

The housekeeper analysed your bed, lightly spreading her hand on the bedding to affirm its emptiness. But as she ducked her hand beneath your pillow, her fingers came out wrapped on a ring. That piece of jewelry was overly familiar and bought back memories she didn't want to rewind. Quickly stuffing it into her pocket, she kept the pillow back in its place and stood up. 

"Nothing?" Your mom yelled as the maids shook their heads and left one by one on just a turn of your mom's finger. She clutched your phone tightly in her hands and turned to leave to her room to inspect it like a criminal's evidence. 

You coughed lightly as you trudged back to your room at a slow and cautious pace. Tentatively taking a peek of the corridor, you sighed in relief as your mom wasn't there. 

You threw yourself on the bed but only after making sure the door was closed. Your eyes shut, you too wondered why despite having every facility, your maths result was always so bad. You did work hard but when the time for exams came, it felt like the formulas just went over your head.

You sat up lazily and bounced your eyes around the room, looking for what had been taken away this time. Surely your phone would be given back, but only after its thorough checking. 

Your eyes suddenly widened as a thought struck your mind. Hastily getting down the bed, you threw away the pillows and tarnished the bedding away only to not spot the sight of what you were looking for. You brushed your hair back, your heart already fighting to get out of your chest. 

You couldn't afford to lose that. It was the last thing you had, the last thing you treasured. 

Just as your legs were about to give up, the door opened and the housekeeper stood stunned. As she made sense of the scene unraveling in front of her, she quickly walked to you and made you sit on the bed. Tears streaming down your face, she got even more worried then she already was and tried to ease you down. 

"What happened? Y/n ? You can tell me, I won't tell it to anyone" she said in a hushed voice as you shook your head. No one could know about your possession on that thing. No one.

She slowly took her hands away from you and sighed, understanding all what this was about. She walked to the door and after making sure no one was there, closed it. As she walked back to you, you were already staring up at her in contemplation. 

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