Chapter 12 ㅡ Who Are You ?

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Jungkook lingered outside the classroom for you to show up. Unlike every day, you weren't here yet. You used to be the first person to arrive in the class, possibly in the school too but today you were late.

He smiled at the scene of you oversleeping because of working late till evening with him. The hand he had delved into his pocket fumbled constantly with the ring he had kept there. This was one reason he was impatient to meet you today too.

He lumbered around the same corridor for another fifteen minutes and then worry started eating him up. The clock had struck eight and the students were beginning to fill in the classroom yet there was no sign of you.

"Inside now students" the professor came and all the students hanging around the class got seated. Jungkook instead took a turn and walked away from the class. He absolutely had no interest in sitting in a class he knew would give him a headache without you not being there to help him.

The first class went by without you being seen anywhere and him spending some time in the library, completing his assignment that had to be submitted today.

He kept the pen down and finally heaved out a sigh he had been holding for so long. He had spent the past 12 hours in a quandary of half perplexity and part jealousy and another small portion of sadness.

He couldn't deny the fact that when he had found the ring and then got to know about the owner of it, a pang of jealousy had struck him. But on thinking this thought through, he wondered if it had already been too late for him to express his feelings for you.

Had he taken too long realizing what he felt for you or were you always someone else's girl and he wasn't going to get a chance with you?

He bit his lip causing blood to ooze out but he didn't bother to clean it up rather let it dry on its own. He knocked his down on the library table with a loud thud and closed his eyes, impeding any of the peculiar looks given his way from his sight.


"Leave her" he shouted, taking your wrist out of your mother's grip and glaring at her with the same anger that filled her eyes. "Don't come between us, stay in your limits" she shouted as your tears-filled eyes wavered. "I'm going to take her with me very soon," the boy said menacingly. "That too in front of your eyes and you won't be able to do anything"

You woke up with a gasp. The duvet still clutched between your hands. You had fallen asleep just an hour ago and yet here you were, trembling, crying, sobbing.

You reached out to your side table drawer and looked for that one thing that provided you comfort. You rummage through the useless things in it, your breath getting heavier with each second passing. You quickly got up on not finding any sign of it and bounced your eyes over the sun-lit room.

The early morning sun reminded you of your university but you didn't want to go today and you knew your parents wouldn't care about it. They couldn't let you go to college looking like a tortured girl with a bruise on her cheek and swollen eyes.

You threw away all that your dressing table drawer consisted of, the ring still not being one of the ornaments. Now the helplessness struck you once again as you slid down the cupboard, pressing your palm against your mouth as sobs and painful cries emerged immediately.

You couldn't stop the tears and the pain rising in your heart at the thought of losing that ring. It was your most valuable possession, you couldn't just let it go. But where did you even lose it? You couldn't even ask anyone as keeping that object in the first place was forbidden.


After an entire week, Jungkook was back in the park. He recalled the last time he sat on this swing, he had made the promise of being a better son. He might not have discovered it but since he had met you, he hadn't come back here. He had gotten busy with his job and studies with no time left to be sad.

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