Chapter One || The New News

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"AUGHHH DANG ITT! COME ON GUYS STOP DYING!!" I bang my desk really hard in frustration. Me Zenitsu and Inosuke have been trying to reach the end of a game by defeating a boss but they keep on dying and losing all of their lives! "Ugh sorry Tanjiro I died... you're on your own now. All I can do is go on spectator mode." I heard Zenitsu speak through my headset. "Aw come on guys are you serious?" I said leaning back on my chair while trying to concentrate on the game.

Everything was silent for a moment, all you could hear was my mouse clicking, which was odd. "Hey is Inosuke afk?" I heard Zenitsu speak, oh yeah it's silent for some odd reason since Inosuke ain't speakin. "I don't even know he probably got in trouble for screaming to loud, who knows how that guy can cause ear-ape when he doesn't even have a headset." I said sighing while clicking my mouse even more.

"Well now that it's quiet I wanted to tell ya somethin." I heard my friend say. "What's up dude?" I asked him curiously. "I heard there was gonna be a gaming tournament being held in one week." He said joyfully. "Dude why didn't you tell me earlier..." I sighed as I saw my character had fallen dead. "Where will it be held at?" I asked him leaning back on my chair. "It's gonna be held in Nagoya, we live in Tokyo, so if we go by car that would be like..." He paused for a second I'm guessing he's checking the map for the distance. "It would be a four hour and fifteen minute drive." He continued. "Oh.. that's a lot what about by train?" I asked him as I sighed deeply. "Uh about.... one hour and thirty-four minutes, yeah.. we should probably go by train dude." He said chuckling a bit.

"Hm I'm not sure if my parents would be okay with that, I'll have to ask them for permission first." I told him. "Yeah..." he said, I could hear his mouse clicking on the other end of the call, "Man I wonder where that boar head went, no matter how many times I ping him he won't respond." He said sighing. "Bruh his mom probably called him for dinner." I told him.

"Oof to bad we didn't get to complete the game." He said laughing. "We're gonna need to practice all week if we wanna be one of the people in finals in the tournament." I told him as I stretched my arms out. "Yeah, I honestly don't care about the prize I just wanna go for the fun." He said. "Haha what if the prize was a bathing set, I'd be offended." I said laughing. "I bet they'd do that, they wouldn't just give some worthless stinky gamers that haven't taken a shower in days some sorta golden trophy." He said giggling. "Yeah we betta take a shower before going, now that you mention that it's true I haven't taken a shower in three days dude." I said sorta embarrassed. "Damn bro that's nasty you should go take a shower before goin to sleep today, no actually you better take a shower!" He said laughing it off. "Words hurt you know." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah I k-." He got interrupted. "AUGHHHH MY MOM SAID I HAD TO GO EAT SORRY GUYS!" I heard very loud voice say as I lightly lift up my headset from my ears. "CAN YOU TALK NORMALLY PLEASE YOU STUPID BOAR HEAD YOU ARE HURTING MY EARS, DAMNNNUGH." I heard Zenitsu screaming loudly, there they go again, who knows where Zenitsu gets these mood swings from. "SHUT UP YOU STUPID CHEESED UP FRENCH FRIES HEAD, I WAS APOLOGIZING FOR GOING AFK." He said shouting back at Zenitsu, sigh.. I'm really getting tired of thi- "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO ME AND TANJIRO FOR YELLING INTO OUR POOR EA-." And this is the part where I'll shut both of them up. "INOSUKE SHUT UP ZENITSU SHUT UP YOU'RE ALSO SCREAMING DON'T THINK INOSUKE IS THE ONLY ONE HERE HURTING OUR POOR EARS, BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP, IM TIRED OF HEARING YOU GUYS FIGHT EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN DAY." I said sighing heavily leaning back on my chair.

There was silence for at least five minutes, they finally calmed down. "See what you do Monitsu you made Monjiro mad." I heard Inosuke whisper on the call. I see that Zenitsu unmutes "Dumbass he can hear you." He mutes himself again. "Anyways Inosuke, Zenitsu told me there was going to be a gaming tournament being held in Nagoya but since you went afk and we didn't know what you were doing, I'm telling you now. So do ya wanna go?" I asked calmly. "Sure I'll go." He said. "Alright then we gotta go to sleep tomorrow is Monday and I don't wanna wake up tired, bye guys I'm gon' leave the call now." I told both Zenitsu and Inosuke. "Goodnight bro." Both of them said. "Goodnight I love you." I told them. "We love you to." They responded, and then I left the call.

I got up from my chair and made my way from my messy room to my bathroom. As I'm grabbing my toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it I think about the gaming tournament, I'm not trying to be a conceited person but I honestly think I'll be one of the best. But I'm also not sure if there's gonna be other gamers there that are way better than me, there probably is. I spit out my toothpaste, and dry my mouth with a towel I have next to my bathroom sink as I set down my toothbrush to where it belongs. As I walk out of my bathroom I see some game disks scattered on the floor with the name of Rocket League, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Super Smash Bros. I haven't played those games in a while, I pick up the disks and set them over at my desk, maybe I'll play one of them tomorrow.

I get out of my room and head over to the kitchen where my sister Nezuko is at, "Why'd I hear so much screaming, let me guess you were rage quitting again?" She asked. "Nah it's just that Zenitsu and Inosuke were fighting and they were hurting my ears." I tell her. "Huh seems nothing new to me." She says while she scrolls through her phone. I take a quick glance at her again as I reach for a bowl in the cabinet. "Well I actually do have some new news to tell you." I tell her smiling. "You seem excited, what is it? Tell meee!" She says tugging my arm. "Sooo me Inosuke and Zenitsu were in a call and Zenitsu told me there was gonna be a gaming tournament being held in Nagoya and all three of us are gonna go!" I tell her smiling really hard. "Really? I remember you went to one of those gaming tournaments once but you were still a beginner at the games they were playing." She said turning off her phone. "Yeah I remember, hah it still makes me laugh at how I almost came in last place." I told her giggling. "Remember when you came home and you told me the prize was a bar of soap?" She told me chuckling a bit. "Yeah I was really offended, I told Zenitsu that hopefully the prize isn't some sorta bathing set." I told her. "Oh an-." My sister got interrupted by the noise of someone coming down the stairs.

"Hey guys mom said we gotta go to sleep now okay?" I heard my younger brother Takeo say as he reached for a cabinet full of snacks. "Alright then, Goodnight to both of you." I told them as I made my way upstairs into my room, I could hear them giggling for some reason but I don't really care about it right now. Aw to bad I didn't get to eat a bowl of cereal, I think to myself as I enter my room. I plop onto my bed and look up to my ceiling, well today was a pretty long day if ya tell me. As I'm about to get into my bed sheets the realization hit me, so this is why they were giggling at me? I brung a whole damn plate up into my room. How did I forget I was holding a plate in my hand. I go back downstairs to find both of my siblings laughing at me, this is so embarrassing. "Wha- *snort snort* w-what were *snort* you doing with that plate? *snort snort*" My little brother Takeo asked me definitely dying of laughter. I could hear my sister trying to speak but she was clearly dying over there at the corner. I smiled a bit trying not to laugh "Goodnight guys just go to sleep already." I told them putting the plate back to where it belongs.

Today definitely was a long day and I'm sure it's gonna be the same with tomorrow.

End of Chapter 1
Next chapter: Chapter 2 || Introducing My Ghost Friends
To be continued...

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