Chapter Thirteen || Problems Pt. 1

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"Tanjiro!! Wake up!!" "Ah! Nezuko!!" Tanjiro rolled out of bed and onto the floor. *Thump!!* "Ouch!!" "Hey, I would definitely recommend losing some weight, you shook the entire house!!" Nezuko laughed at him as he screeched in pain.

"Not funny Nezuko, not funny at all." He painfully got up from the floor. "You should clean your room more often, it really does make a difference." She looked around. "Hey, what's this?" She touched the pink plastic ring on the desk.

"Nezuko! Don't touch that!" Tanjiro quickly took it out of her hands. "What? What's so special about it?" She asked him. "Nothing.. I just plan on using it for something." He sighed, putting it back onto the desk.

"Hmm... and what do you plan to use it for?" "Just get out of my room!! I need to change into my school uniform anyways!" He dragged her out. "Oh okay, sorry! Also, mom told me to tell you to take out the trash. Okay bye bye!!" She slammed the door shut on him. "Not the trash..." Tanjiro mumbled sadly.



He made his way down stairs, with the trash in his hands. "Good morning Tanjiro! I'm running late for work right now!!! Would you mind dropping off Rokuta a-" "Yes dad, I'll take care of it." He cut him off as he yawned. "Great!! Thanks! I'm off to work now!" He rushed out the door.

"Good morning mom.." He lazily said. "Good morning sweetie!!" She planted a kiss on his forehead. "My work place just called me and they need me to be there early today, would you care to drop off Hanako at her friends house? You know how it is, since the school is closer over there." "Okay.. mom. I'll make sure to do that..." He sighed.

"Okay thank you so much sweetie!! And remember, you're still grounded, so no playing video games!! Okay well bye now!!" Kie slammed the door shut and went off to work. "Seems like everyone's pretty busy today.." He mumbled as he walked out of the house with the trash.

As Tanjiro walked outside and towards the trash bin, he saw a familiar girl walk out of the house beside theirs. It was their neighbors! He peeked from behind the trash bin to see who it was, and it turns out it was Anzu.

"Oh dammit!! She lives right beside our house! I can't let her see me." He spoke to himself in frustration. Well I wouldn't say he 'spoke to himself'  specifically. "Didn't you have a crush on her dude? You should go up to her." His imaginary friends caused a distraction.

"Ah!!" They startled him, which might have brought a bit of attention towards himself. The girl quickly turned around and saw him splattered flat on the floor. "Tanjiro-Kun?" She questioned. "Ah.. ehe Anzu-San...!" He awkwardly chuckled. "What a coincidence, we live right next to each other!!" He crookedly smiled.

"Wait, you knew I lived next to you this whole time? Why didn't you tell me!?" She gasped. "N-no! I just found out! Literally just now." He got up from the ground, that's the second time he's had to do that this morning.

"What are you doing outside?" Anzu asked him. "Oh, uh trash." "Trash?" "Yeah, I had to take the trash out." He sighed.

"What about you? What are you doing out at this time?" He asked her innocently. "I was watering the flowers." She lifted up the watering can in her hand. "Oh, that's nice!" Tanjiro slowly tried to make his way back into the house. "Uh? Tanjiro-Kun?"

"Uh, uh huh?" He stood straight. "I still haven't forgot about the deal and you know that right?" She chuckled. "Um... yes, I know." He smiled feeling like he failed to flee away. "In that case.." She paused mid sentence as she made her way up to him. "What's your phone number?" She questioned him, taking out her phone.

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