Chapter Ten || Dinner

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"You're saying what?" Dad asked in confusion. "Apparently the report card isn't his." "Just wait until you see his actual report card." Nezuko spoke, holding a spoon. I know she's still mad at me. "What do you mean, see my actual report card? It rea..ah.. *AcHoO* really isn't that bad." I fought back to my sister. "Tanjiro, cover when you sneeze, also fighting is not allowed during dinner." We both got scolded.

There was silence for a long moment. Plates being scratched by silverware could be heard.

"When will you get a girlfriend big brother?" Takeo blurted out, out of nowhere. "Takeo, out of all questions you could aaahh..*AcHoO* y-you could ask me, it had to be that one." My eyes rolled. "I mean, you'll be single for life if you don't start looking now." Hanako joined in, in the conversation. "Yeah, what if in the future you want to have babies?"

"Why would I ever want to have babies? I don't want any at the moment." I awkwardly sniffled. "Just wait until he gets married one day." Takeo told Hanako, "He'll come up to us with five babies." They both laughed it off, even my parents started chuckling along. "I'd feel bad for his wife." Nezuko giggled. "Fine, maybe just maybe I'd have at least two kids." "Yeah, well if you want those kids, you better find yourself a girlfriend." "I never said I wanted any, I said that it was a maybe. *CoUgH*"

"Okay kids, enough. Tanjiro?" Mom looked at me, setting her fork down. "Uh, yeah?" "So, you told me you'd say what you wanted here at dinner right?" She questioned. "Oh, uh uh..*AcHoO!* yes." "What is it!? Good news or bad news?" Shigeru looked at me eagerly. "I'm not sure about that...?" My crooked smile came onto my face. "Just tell us." Father rolled his eyes. "Okay um, I wanted to ask you guys..." I directed my look at my parents. "If I could go to some place with some friends."

"What do you mean by that?" Both of them asked. "Well, Zenitsu told me that there was going to be a uh *AcHoO!* gaming tournament being held in Nagoya, and I really want to go." Everything went silent until my mother said something. "For how long will the trip last?" "Probably up to around two to four days, or probably longer." I nervously scratched my head. "If it's that long then you can't go." Dad furrowed his eyebrows. "Why not?" I sighed in desperation. Are you serious right now?

(A/N ignore how unproportioned  he looks 😹😹

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(A/N ignore how unproportioned he looks 😹😹...🗿)

"Tanjiro, we can't allow you to go, have you even seen your own room?" "But dad.." "No butts, no cuts, no coconuts." He silenced me. "Tanjiro what happened to you? Ever since you started playing video games you were no longer a responsible kid." Mom complained. "What do you mean I'm no longer *AchOo!* responsible?" "Just like I said, go take a look at what a mess your room has become." Dad sighed. "Go take a look at his real grades..." Nezuko muttered, hearing her say that made me pout.

"Nezuko, how about we talk about you. You're always on your phone." I directed my look at her, she was on her phone. "Oh okay, well at least I don't have grades as bad as yours." She looked up at me. "You haven't even seen my *Sniffle Sniffle* real grades." "I'm already guessing that it's definitely not going to contain an A" "Why are you being so rude?" "Guys, it's enough." "You were the one that started it." "Yeah, as if-"

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