Chapter Eleven || Messages

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*Beep Beep, Beep!*

There goes my alarm. Time to go to school again... like I've always have. I curled up into my blankets, groaning in annoyance. Now that I finally found a comfortable position, I have to get up. "Kanao... wake up." Shinobou barged into my room lazily. "Okay..." I mumbled as she left..... "Ah!" I shouted, rolling off of my bed. *Thump!* Ouchies! I landed on the floor. That will definitely cause a big bruise.

I wonder if anyone texted me last night, Aoi probably did. I checked my phone and there was only one notification.

Bubbles yesterday at 7:02pm
It's okay, no worries.
I can play by myself.

————New Message(s) (1)————

RiceBall yesterday at 7:59pm
you busy?

How did I not see it? Did I fall asleep?

Bubbles   today at 7:09am
Oh, hi.
Sorry didn't see your message yesterday.

Hopefully he answers.

(Tanjiro's POV)

"Thanks for the breakfast mom... it tastes really good." I took another bite into the toasted sandwich. "Don't you think I can still get others sick if I go to school?" I questioned. "No Tanjiro. Don't start making excuses just so you don't go to." She filled our empty cups with orange juice. "Well then, that means I can go to Zenitsu's house after school right?" I smiled.

She sighed, "Did you clean your room last nigh-" "Yup!" "Did you organize everything without shoving it in one specific pla-" "Yes ma'am!" I cut her off several times, due to excitement. "Well then, I guess you can go." She leaned onto the table, sighing once again. "What exactly are you gonna do at Zenitsu's house?" Nezuko intervened into the conversation. "..." I stayed quiet. I don't want her to know that I also made him mad at me.

"So you're going to ignore me?" She fiddled around with her fork. "Oh yeah, now that Nezuko mentioned it, what are you going to do at his place?" My mom curiously asked. Are you serious Nezuko? How will I ever be able to say sorry to her. "Let me guess, will you be playing those stupid video games?" Mom frowned. "Uh, well..." Huh? What? How do I respond to her? How did she know I was planning it? I mean, it does make sense... they did take away video games from me, meaning I'm completely banned from using them.

Should I make up an excuse? No... I can't lie! I'm stuck, what do I say? Uh... should I simply just not go to Zenitsu's house anymore? It's not like he'll like the idea. What do I say? Uhh, words! I should make up words!!! No, that won't work. Why can't I think of something? Why!?

 Why can't I think of something? Why!?

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(A/N I'm proud of this art. 😉✌️)

(Time skip...)

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