Chapter Twelve || Occurrence

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Tanjiro slowly lifted up his head, turning to see the girl he was sitting next to, finding her do the same. "Uh, hi! Nice to meet you-... err.. bubbles? I'm Kamado Tanjiro." He confidently said, trying not to sound awkward as he put his hand out for her to shake. But, there was no response. 'Is it because I'm uglier than she expected?' He thought to himself. "I guess you don't feel like speaking... it's alright! I also get nervous when I meet new people." He wore a sweet smile. 


The girl simply shook her head in response. "I uh... well wasn't expecting to meet you this way." Tanjiro now said getting more and more awkward as his confidence slowly went away. "Haha.............. so uh... the weathers nice today huh?" He panicked in realization of the climate. There was heavy rain, which did not look pretty at all. "I uh mean, the weathers horrible today right?" 'Oh shoot! I messed up really bad there! I should be positive not negative!!!' He thought.

"Am I making you uncomfortable? I'm sorry if I am." His head lowered as if he were disappointed. She shook her head, in a response of no. "I'm n-.." *SCREECH!* The brakes of the bus made a loud noise, stopping in front of them as it rumbled. "You coming?" He asked, letting a hand out for her to take. She nodded cutely, he blushed when both of their hands made contact. The unknown girl stopped, and took out an umbrella, covering both of their heads. "Hurry up kiddos! I ain't got no time to be standin' here all day long!!" The bus driver angrily shouted due to annoyance.

"Ah! Pardon me sir!!" Tanjiro quickly grabbed the girl's arm, and dragged her into the bus with him. "Sorry about that.." He mumbled, sitting down beside her. He didn't realize one thing though, they were still holding hands. 'Should I let go?' She thought. 'No... I don't think I want to.' She slowly leaned towards his body without him noticing, as she took out her phone and went to notes. 'Hey, I'm lost... that's the reason why I was at the bus stop. May I know where this bus is headed to?' She showed him her phone.

"Oh uh... well this bus is headed near my friend's house." He smiled. "Do you have a friend that could come pick you up?" Tanjiro asked. 'Yes, I do.' "Oh hey! That's great! Once we arrive at my friends house you could use his wifi for faster internet so you can get in contact with them." 'Thank you so much. You're kinder then I thought.'  Her lips curled up into a small smile. "Hey! No problem, as long as we're friends online or not!" He chuckled.

"So, would you mind if I knew your name?" He nervously scratched his head. 'Yes, my name is Kanao Tysuri.' "What a pretty name your parents gave you, nice to meet you Kanao-San, my name is Tanjiro Kamado!" The girl known as Kanao chuckled due to his excitement. 'Your name reminds me of my brother, his name was Yenjiro.'  "Haha, really? What a coincidence, our names sound alike... uh, I don't know if you mind me asking but, what do you mean by was?" He curiously asked. She simply looked away to the window, her eyes were getting droopy. It seemed as if she was trying to hold back her tears.

"...I'm really sorry about that, I should've not asked..." He mumbled, understanding what happened to her brother. She placed both of her hands on his, he furiously blushed at this action. 'It's alright. It's just that I get sad sometimes.'   "Hey uh, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings again by asking but, may I know why you don't speak?" He kindly asked her. 'I have a problem communicating with others, somehow the only way I can speak with people are through video games... just like I did when I met you.'  "Oh... well that makes sense." He chuckled.

'Please don't make fun of me.' "What makes you think I'll do that?" He snorted. 'You're laughing right now.' "Okay fine I'm sorry, are we friends now?" Kanao took a moment to process his words. 'You want to be friends with me?' "Of course I do! You seem like such a nice person." He laughed. 'Sure then...'

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