Chapter Six || Apologies Near The Pond

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(A/N Before we get to the storyyyyy, sorry to interrupt, ahem i wanted to share my master piece of Juan AKA kanao.)

(A/N I know it's horrible camera quality, it looks pixelated and very blurry, sorry)

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(A/N I know it's horrible camera quality, it looks pixelated and very blurry, sorry)

(Tanjiro's POV)

I made my way on the pebble stone path, kicking rocks as I did so. I've never actually gotten in a such a serious argument with Nezuko before, we usually agree to disgree and that's it. It was mostly my fault, I was thinking to much, all she wanted was advice. But, I myself, has never dated anyone. I can't just lie to her and come up with some random stuff, I care for her. I felt something in my pocket as I reached for my phone, huh? Oh, it's the pink plastic ring I found earlier today in the morning, I didn't expect to find it in here.

I fiddled around with it, remembering all the good memories of the ring. Remembering the time I got it at an arcade, Nezuko was there with me, just the two of us siblings. I was fourteen, she was thirteen, it was about the age of the time videos games came to my interest, like when I started buying good quality keyboards or whatever. Dad and mom had let us ride our bikes to wherever we wanted, it was such a nice day, the sun was out, shining and all. Now, every time I try to talk to her she's either on her phone or she just wants to sleep, I don't blame her though, I'm always on VC with my friends.

I don't really know about my other siblings, yeah they're cute and all, let me just tell ya something, they're super annoying. One time Shigeru wanted to play a game on my computer, which was freaking roblox, the thing is, he was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so I obviously said no. But guess what? He snuck into my room, dirtied my keyboard, and if you're into gaming or if you've played a game on pc, then you know that the W key is the most important one, to bad for me it had gotten stuck down because of the jelly and peanut butter. I had to rebuild and clean the whole keyboard because of him and his stupid roblox. He doesn't even use WASD or ESDF, he uses freaking arrows!! What the hell!! Who would even do that!?

Just thinking about it makes me stressed out. I feel like the only people in the house I can trust on using my setup is Nezuko and Takeo. Last time I gave Hanako permission to use it, me being me, thinking that she wouldn't do anything bad to it. Turns out she ended up breaking my headset. I really thought I could trust her, she's always gentle with everything that isn't hers. Can you even guess how much it cost me!?

It was about around two hundred dollars. I remember saving up for that same headset, I honestly don't remember which one it was since it was a pretty long time ago. I'm actually kind of glad she broke it because it wasn't even that good, yeah it might have been expensive but the audio did seem sort of staticky.

I bought most of my setup from Alien Ware, I know it's expensive, but it was so worth it. Every time I launch games with extreme graphics, it runs so smoothly, unlike my friends, they're always lagging so we try to avoid those type of games when playing together. But in conclusion, if you're thinking about buying a headset off of Alien Ware I definitely don't recommend it. Also, the Razor headsets suck so damn bad, stay away from it, it's a big waste of money. Well I can't really confirm that Razor sucks, it depends on which headset you get. But I do recommend the ones that are priced higher because they work way better than the cheap ones that are worth around thirty to ninety dollars.

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