Chapter Fourteen || Problems Pt. 2

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Riceball   Today at 3:45pm

hey kanao-san!! 

are we still gonna meet up at 4:20?

Bubbles   Today at 3:46pm

I'm afraid I won't be able to anymore.


RiceBall   Today at 3:46pm

awe man

i was really looking forward to it 


Bubbles   Today at 3:47pm


I think I'll be busy.

RiceBall   Today at 3:48pm

okay then..

Tanjiro lie down in bed, saddened by her response. 'How much worse can my day get..' He thought to himself, remembering what Zenitsu had told him earlier.

"Tanjiro!!!" He suddenly heard a lousy knock on his bedroom door. "What is it now Nezuko..." "When is the tournament?" "The tournament??" "Yeah, the one you're so excited to go to." "Ah.. it's on Sunday... in three days."

"Oh okay." "Why do you ask?" He cocked his eyebrows. "I was thinking about what you told me the other day. I think I want to go now." "Huh? Really? You sure?? You'd really do that for me?" He hopped up from his bed.

"Uh.. well not really because of you..." He heard her mumble.'Probably because of Zenitsu...' His eyebrows furrowed.

"Anyways... I think I'll pack my things." She happily said. "Nezuko, it's in three days, why would you start packing now?" "I'm a bit excited that's it." He heard her footsteps as she walked away from the door. 'Yeah right.. it's about Zenitsu huh?'

'I haven't even had the chance to practice for the tournament, especially now, since I'm grounded.' Tanjiro thought, looking at his monitor. 'Heh, bold of you to assume I'd be winning.'

He got up from his bed, humming as he stared at the monitor. 'Should I do it? No, that'd be disobeying.' He simply sighed, as for his conscience did not allow him to do it.

'I should probably go out and do something productive.'








He drove out and around, in his old dirty car that his parents had gifted him. Listening to bus stop by hollies as he drove into a field of flowers. The scenery was perfect, the sun was out, the windows were down, and flocks of birds were flying across the sky.

'Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say"Please, share my umbrella" Bus stop, bus goes, she stays, love grows Under my umbrella all that summer, we enjoyed it wind and rain and shine and that umbrella, we employed it by August, she was mine'

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