Chapter Two || Introducing My Ghost Friends

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*
Ugh it's morning, I swear to god I just went to sleep. Why does the night have to go by so quickly... I sighed as I got up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I cant wait to get out of school. I've wasted like eleven years of my life there. Good thing next year will be the last year I ever have to go there. I'll probably spend the rest of my life working at McDonald's, all I know what to do is play video games and building pc's, that's like the only thing I'm good at.

I sigh heavily as I get up from my bed and head over to my bathroom to wash my face. As I'm done drying my face, I look at myself in the mirror. Damn I'm so ugly how will I ever get a girlfriend when I have so many pimples. I look over to a magazine on my sink, it has a guy on the cover with a perfect face and body. How is his skin so perfect? I sigh as I accept reality as of how I'll never get to have the perfect body. I get out of my bathroom and head over to where I keep my clothes at, ugh I forgot to wash my uniform again. It's been three weeks now that I've been wearing my dirty uniform to school. I look over to the drawer I keep my socks in, it's also empty. Ugh where could I possibly get socks from? I sigh as I look at what a mess my room is. There's clothes everywhere, wrappers, game disk cases, and all sorts of stuff. Well I'm gonna have to find some socks in this mess.

As I search through the pile of mess in my room I found a pink ring, well not exactly a ring it's more of a plastic rubbery sorta thing, I think I got it at an arcade. Hmph well I haven't seen that in a while, I think I won that like 3 years ago when I was four-teen years old. I was gonna give it to my sister Nezuko but she already wears her own rings, and plus she already has her own style and I don't think that this would be her type of thing. Eh I'll just keep it with me for no reason at all, I don't see anything wrong with it.

I spot some socks in the pile and I quickly snatch them, this will do. Now I need to try and focus more when I go to school, Tanjiro you can't just think about video games all the time. I look at myself in the mirror. *Video game music in the background* Again with the thoughts, Tanjiro you need to stop, I slap myself really hard and look back into the mirror. I knew I should've went to sleep earlier now I have to go to school with eye bags. I sigh as I go put on my shoes and walk outta my room. "Good morning Tanjiro." I hear my mother say. "Good morning mom." I respond to her smiling. "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" She asked me as she flipped a pancake. "No, I'm alright I think I'll skip breakfast today so I'll have to leave Nezuko behind this time." I told her putting on my backpack. "Okay then, be careful on your way to school dear." I heard her say as I was walking out of the house. "Thanks ma', I love you bye." I said. "I love you too." Were the last words I heard as I stepped out of the house.

As I got into my car I turned on the engine and started backing out of the driveway. The only reason why I skipped breakfast today was to go to a game store. I heard they released a new video game for the play station that I really wanted, I mean who wouldn't? It seems like such a fun game. "Let me guess, we're headed to the game store?" I heard one of my imaginary friends say. "Yup you guessed it." I say smirking. "Oooh what game are you gonna buy dude?" He asked. "A new game... I can't tell you yet." I told him as I was turning the steering wheel. "Aw come on are you gonna trade us out for some other friends now?" I heard more of my other imaginary friends complain all together. "No, I mean you guys are my only friends." I said as I parked my car in the parking lot. "Well you already have so many friends from so many different video games, why do you need to invite more?" They all asked me. "Well... I haven't forgotten about any of you." I told them sorta smiling. "Soon you will... hmph." One of them said. "No I won't." I told them in a complaining tone as I got out of the car.

"Hey dude so are you gonna tell me what game it is?" I heard one of them say as I entered the store. "Hellooooo." He said trying to annoy me as I looked through the store sections. "Hey hey, do you hear me?" He kept on asking. "See this is why we think you don't want to be friends with us anymore, why are you always ignoring us?" He questioned. "You know I can't talk to you in public, people can't see you but me." I told him whispering. "So? Who cares?" He spoke. "People are gonna think I'm weird, that's why I care." I told him whispering once again in an annoyed tone. "You already seem like a weirdo to me, it doesn't matter." He said looking at me. "That's rude." I said rolling my eyes. "Keep on rolling your eyes at me and you might find your brain back there... I'm not even sure if you have one though." He told me in a sarcastic tone. And this is exactly why I've secretly been trying to get rid of my imaginary friends, I thought they were supposed to be my friends but all they do is bully me all the time. "I'll flick your forehead if you keep going." I said whispering. "Your forehead is what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself." He responded to me definitely laughing. You know what I'm just gonna ignore him.

After a while of searching for the game I wanted, I finally found it. I went to the checkout area to pay, and quickly headed back to my car, since I didn't want to be late to school again. I park my car in another parking lot but this time at a different location, I'm at school now. I quickly get out and rush to the entrance, and I walk in.

End of chapter 2
Next chapter: Chapter 3: The Mysterious New Girl
To be continued...

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