Chapter Eight || Grade Explanations

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(A/N one of my friends named Alex found this in a shelf when me and my other friends went to the library last Friday 🤣  they're so fun to hang out with 🤣)

(A/N one of my friends named Alex found this in a shelf when me and my other friends went to the library last Friday 🤣  they're so fun to hang out with 🤣)

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(A/N It's a peanut 🗿🗿)

RiceBall today at 8:20am
who is this?
————————New Message————————
Bubbles today at 1:11pm
hey Mr. sniffles, you dont remember me? me bubbles
should i say Valorant?

Huh, what does this person mean? Valorant?? Bubbles...? Oh! Isn't it that one girl from the game this morning?

RiceBall   today at 1:12pm
wait now i remember u
how did you get my info??

Bubbles   today at 1:12pm
I asked for it.
do you not remember?

RiceBall   today at 1:15pm
uh yeah, sort of

Bubbles   today at 1:16pm
Oh um ok.

RiceBall   today at 1:17pm

Bubbles   today at 1:18pm

RiceBall   today at 1:18pm

Bubbles   today at 1:19pm

RiceBall  today at 1:20pm

Bubbles   today at 1:20pm
Do you want to play some other day again?

————Incoming Call From HteKnig————
(Translation for the username: TheKing)

Are you serious right now? He has to call me now that I'm talking to a girl? What does Inosuke want, this call better be quick or else it will be a waste of time.

"What's up Inosuke..." I answered the call. "OI! TONTARO, ARE WE GONNA DEFEAT THE BOSS TODAY!!?" He Shouted, causing earape. Oh my freaking god. "Did you clean your room? Is it walkable in there?" I asked. "YUP! I SHOVED MOST OF THE STUFF IN MY CLOSET SINCE MOST OF IT WAS CLOTHES, AND THEN WITH THE REST I THREW IT OUT THE WINDOW WHICH CAUSED MY DAD TO THROW A PLASTIC CHAIR AT ME, IT DIDNT EVEN HURT HE'S SUCH AN IDIOT RIGHT?" He spoke as if he was proud of himself. I sighed, why does Inosuke just do this to himself? Why? Just why?

"Aren't you supposed *AcHOo* *Sniffle* to be in class right now?" I questioned. "YEAH! BUT I DECIDED TO SKIP CLASS TODAY!" He shouted. "Inosuke, how many times have I tell you to stay in class? This is exactly why you are failing and have all F's. Get back to class, now." I scolded him in disappointment like always. Man, it feels like I'm the father of this dude. "MAHHHAVMMM HELHPH TANJIRO!" I heard a muffled voice which sounded like Zenitsu's. "STAY DOWN YOU BIG TIT." Inosuke shouted at the voice screaming in agony for help's rescue.

Dude, what the hell is going on today!? Things could be heard moving around in the background of the voice call. "Inosuke Hashibira!! Did you kidnap Zenitsu from class again!?" I angrily questioned. "No." It sounded like some sort of metal hit something. "Shut the fuck up you cheesehead, you look like a hairless mole rat!" I heard Inosuke whisper shout. "TANJIRO! HELP MPHHHMM!" Zenitsu tried his best to scream. "HE'S TORTURING ME, WHAT THE FUCK!!! AHHH! STOP HTTING ME WITH THAT DAMN METAL BAR!!" Every time these two are alone, there's always gotta be chaos I swear to god.

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