Chapter Nine || Fault Of Memories

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"Can we go buy that one toy I wanted?" I pointed across the street.
"No Kanao, sweetie you have to understand that we sometimes don't have the money for certain things."
"Please mom!" I tugged onto her sleeve.
"Mom is right. Maybe we can buy it another day, okay?" My big brother smiled.

"Aw! I really want it!"
"Kanao, don't cause a scene." My mother cupped my cheeks smiling.
"Come on Yenjiro!" I grabbed my older brothers wrist, dragging him with me.
"Kanao! Yenjiro!!" My mother shouted.
It all happened so quickly.
There was blood splattered everywhere.

A car had just crashed into my family.

It ended up swerving into a concrete wall.
The car seemed extremely damaged from the huge crash.
People stared.

My family...
My mom, my brother.
They had gotten ran over.

All because of me.
All because of the stupid toy I wanted.

I always end up hurting others.
Ever since that incident...
Turns out...
That the Miura family was in that car.
By that, I mean...
Anzu-san's family.

I remember,
We used to be childhood friends.
Ever since that happened,
She cut all contact with me.

She's put all the fault on me.
All the fault of her mother's death.

All of that happened,
Because of my idiotic self, I was careless.
Clueless of what the consequences were.
"Murder!! My mommy died because of you!" She threw her doll at my face, with her eyes teared up.
"Anzu! Dear, come here." Her grandmother said, lying on a coma.
"Here, the flower your mother would always wear." She put the clip in her hair, smiling gently.
Somehow, I was in the hospital room, visiting her family.
Trying my hardest to say sorry.
But she never accepted the apology.

She would get mad at me, for visiting her grandmother.

That's right,
Her grandmother also suffered injuries.

They say,
"Hurting someone's feelings is as easy as throwing a rock in the ocean, but do you know how deep that rock goes?"

They weren't the only ones who suffered.
I suffered.
I, myself, suffered.
I was all alone.
I was sent to an orphanage.

None of that would have happened if I weren't there that day.
None of it would have.
"Alright Kanao." One of the sisters at the orphanage took my hand, reassuring me.
"Ready to meet your new family?" She asked.
I couldn't speak.
The trauma didn't allow me to.

She simply smiled, walking me down a long hallway.
I was extremely nervous.
Until I saw a man and a woman, with three girls, standing behind them.
Their faces resembled kindness.

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