Chapter Four || Double The News Today

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(Third person POV)

"You said the tournament was in one week, right?" Kanao asked. "Mm yeah." Aoi responded. "I heard Anzu moved schools to the other side of Tokyo." She said once again. "She did? No wonder I didn't see her in class today." Kanao told her as she looked around the school bus they were sitting in. "Hey, but it's good news, last time she almost beat you in the finals to the game you were playing at the tournament, remember?" Aoi spoke smiling. "Do you know why she moved there?" Kanao asked. "Apparently it was because her grandma got diagnosed with a sickness so she had to take care of her for the rest of the summer." Her friend responded. "Well that sure is some news." 

"Aoi, about the tournament that's coming up, how are we supposed to get there?" The girl asked looking out the school bus window. "It's simple we sneak ourselves there." She answered her question. They both looked at each other with a dumbfounded look on their face.

 They both looked at each other with a dumbfounded look on their face

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"You really think it's going to be that easy?" She looked at Aoi. "I mean I'm not really into video games so I honestly don't care." Kanao pinched Aoi. "Like I'm being serious right now, how do you find it entertaining to sit for hours just playing video games?" Aoi asked her curiously. "Again with the same question." Kanao rolled her eyes. "I really don't get it." The girl with the blue butterfly hairpins said. "How about you come over to my house so I can show you how fun it is?"

"Sure I guess..."

(Time for a time skip++)







"Alright guys let's actually try to defeat the boss this time." Tanjiro joined the call. "Yeah, Inosuke you better not go afk again." Zenitsu spoke into his mic. "Okay... kamphaugh... but it's not my fault if my mom calls me... umph aughmuph... to eat again." The lousy friend surprisingly said quietly. "Are you seriously eating again when we're about to play?" The red head asked in annoyance. "Uamphaugh... nomph, uh uhmp, nomph, no." The boar friend responded with a muffled voice. "Inosuke can you please stop eating for once when we're about to defeat a boss, Tanjiro how about we join a public server?" The yellow head complained. "Okay then... not my fault if we come across some toxic players though." He said, leaving the game's private server. 

"We can just ignore them ya know?" Zenitsu told Tanjiro. "SHUPH UPH MOA... *chewing noises*... *gulp* SHUT UP MOM IM BUSY PLAYING WITH MY FRIENDS!!" Inosuke could be heard screaming from both Tanjiro and Zenitsu's head set. "Inosuke calm dow-" The red head once again got interrupted like always. "NO!! SHUT UP DAD, IM NOT CLEANING MY ROOM! LEAVE ME ALONE IM GOING THROUGH PUBERTY!" Inosuke sighed heavily after screaming at the top of his lungs. "ZZZZZUGHHH TAN-...jiro please, do something about this brat." Zenitsu tried his best to stay calm. "Inosuke can you please have more respect towards your parents and us?" Tanjiro said in a disappointed tone.

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