Chapter Seven || Sniffles

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(Third Person POV)

*Beep Beep Beep* Tanjiro awoke with the noise coming from his alarm, it's a new day, that means he has to get ready for scho- *AHChoO!* or not... how do you expect him to go to school like that? We wouldn't like someone with sniffles sitting next to us in class. "Ugh, what time is it?" He wondered, sounding with a stuffy nose. He definitely regrets jumping into the pond last night and taking a cold shower, doesn't he? Sigh, the things this idiot does... Hm, we don't know what type of sickness he has though, it could be a fever, a cold, and some other type of stuff.

He heard a knock at his door, followed by it being slammed open. "Tanjiro, wake up boy! Time for, you sick?" His dad questioned, extremely confused and concerned. "Uh, ah, ah! AcHoO!!" He sneezed covering his mouth and nose, "Dad... I don't feel well." He sniffled. "Can I stay home today please." His nose sounded extremely stuffed up. "Yup! You're staying home! You're not going to school like that Mr., nuh uh. I'll tell your mom, no worries." He shut the door. "AHCHoO, ugh I hate being sick..." Tanjiro mumbled.

Well, He usually works on Tuesday's and Wednesday's, so he's definitely calling in at work that he will not be there. But, something's not right and it's bothering him..... he had told that one girl named Anzu he'd keep the promise, you know that one deal they made by the pond last night. Well first of all, Tanjiro doesn't even know this girl's phone number, second of all, he doesn't know her address, third of all, he can't get either of those because he's sick and can't go to school. The things he does... I'm telling you, and I keep repeating it, he's an idiot.

If he can build a whole ass computer, because he's a techy. Then why wouldn't he be able to fix his god damn phone? He's an idiot. Or it could have been that he just doesn't know anything about phones. Let me tell ya a secret, his phone was an android!! Purely disgusting! He has the money to buy a brand new game and has the audacity to spend 62$ on a brand new skin in it, but not for a phone. Look, I don't have anything against androids, but his android was a samsung galaxy note 7, somehow he has it from some long time ago back then. And if you know about what phone we're talking about here, then you know how bad the battery is, overall the phone itself, sucks.

Tanjiro got up from his bed stumbling across the dirty clothes in the floor, reaching his chair to use his pc, once again, he's an idiot for doing that, like come on dude, if you're sick you should rest in bed and not play video games. He should at least use that energy to go to his sister's room and apologize for yesterday, but okay, he's just a horrible person then. 'Hmm, let's see since I don't have school today... I think I'll play Valorant, last time me and Zenitsu played it I kept having to go afk.' He thought.

(Tanjiro's POV)

Hopefully I don't come across toxic players, it's so annoying when that happens. I joined a party, what I mean by that is that I joined a public server, and yes I have my my voice chat toggled on, it's way easier to communicate with people in that way. Once I joined the party I chose my character as Cypher.

 Once I joined the party I chose my character as Cypher

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