Chapter Fifteen || Tranquility And Preparation Pt. 1

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The red head had decided that the best he could do, was to make her feel better. They both re entered the café, finding a place to sit at so she could get herself cleaned up.

"Hey Kanao-San? Do you find yourself a bit better?" He kindly asked. The teenage girl nodded. "I could buy you another drink if you'd like?"

She frowned at this, 'No, it's alright. Don't waste your money on me.' "You sure?"

'Yes, I'm sure, but thank you.' Her face lit up into a big smile, as she leaned onto one of her hands, reflecting her beauty.

The red head stared back, deeply looking into her eyes. "Are you wearing eye contacts?" He stupidly asked. 'Excuse me..?'

"It's just that your eyes look so... beautiful.. it almost looks fake.." His eyebrows furrowed. 'Am I supposed to take that as a compliment...?' Confusedly she tilted her head, as her cheeks reflected a tint of pink.

"I guess so."








The two had decided to hang out for the day, despite the fact that she didn't want to get into his old dirty car. "Hey I'm sorry about what happened earlier..."

He paused, sighing. "You should really try to aviod them, and so should I." He softy smiled, comforting her.

'Yes, we should' A smile she returned. "Can I take you to someplace? You like butterflies don't you?" He pointed at her hair clip. She nodded.

He steered the steering wheel towards a different direction, a strange feeling inside him couldn't leave him alone. The thought of being with her felt like something else.

It simply felt strange.

For once in his life, he seemed to be doing something he enjoyed. She's just someone I barley know. He sighed, as his smile slowly faded away. I can't be falling in love so easily, can I? No, that sounds so stupid.

He then parked the car in a parking lot. "I'll be back okay?" He gently patted her hand, causing her to flinch. Shyly, she nodded with a small smile plastered on her pink lips, her beauty was enough to flatter him.

He made his way into a small shop of milkshakes. Looking at the menu, he realized he hadn't asked her what flavors she likes.

"Vanilla.. strawberry.. coconut..... chocolate.." He mumbled under his breath. What flavor could she possibly like? Maybe I should get strawberry.

"Hello! What can I get for you?" The middle aged woman asked. "Good evening ma'am! I'd like a strawberry milkshake please. And I'd also like a-" "That would be six dollars and twenty five cents." She rudely cut him off.

Well that was rude..

"Uh, alright.." He searched his pockets for his wallet, handing her his card. The woman then swiped it. "The card declined."

Damn it! It declined?

He dug deeper into his pockets more, finding enough cash. "Here you go." He handed her a twenty dollar bill. "Alright have good evening." The woman handed him the milkshake.

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