Chapter Two - Reader

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The next day I strolled back into Bill's Candy Shop. Billy automatically ran up to me with a giant grin on his face. "Yeah, yeah. I'm happy to see you too, Candyman," I laughed. "No!" Billy exclaimed. "Well, actually, yeah. You know you brighten up my world sugarplum, but that's not all that I'm happy about. Look at this!" He shoved a flyer in my hand.

"Dear people of the world: I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. I have hidden five golden tickets underneath the wrappings of five chocolate bars. The lucky five children who will find these tickets will not only win an exclusive tour of my factory, but each will leave with a lifetime supply of chocolate. However, only one child shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Good luck and happy hunting!" I stopped reading and stared up at Bill incredulously. "I wonder what brought this on. Why is he suddenly doing this?" I asked suspiciously. The man has not been seen by the world in ten years. Why change that now by allowing five children to come into his factory?

Billy shrugged and said, "Who knows? All I know is that this is an amazing opportunity. Not only for the world, but for us as well. Can you imagine all of the busin-" Billy was cut off by the door slamming open and a swarm of people rushing in waving money all around and demanding Wonka candy bars. Billy and I stared at each other with wide eyes. This was going to be a long day.

Billy and I didn't get a break the entire day. The only relief we had was when we discovered we were out of Wonka chocolate bars and announced it to the rest of the shop. Everyone groaned and walked out. "I need to order more inventory," Billy muttered as he went to the back. I started to sweep up the floor. It was littered with wrappers and candy bars. Some of the bars weren't even eaten! 'What a waste', I thought to myself.

"Oh, y/n!" Billy came rushing out of the back holding a Scrumidilyumptious bar. "You forgot to take this with you for Charlie last night." I smiled and placed the candy in my pocket. The timing couldn't be more perfect because tomorrow was Charlie's birthday. "Thanks Billy. You're the absolute best."

Billy decided to let me go early today since no one had any interest in candy besides Wonka bars. As I passed by the factory, I couldn't help but glance up. "Why now? Why are you deciding to open up to people now?" I whispered quietly to myself. I turned and began making my way home unaware of a pair of blue eyes watching my every step.


I walked into the house only to hear Grandma Josephine exclaim, "They're all crazy!" while staring horrified at the television. All four grandparents plus Charlie were staring transfixed at the television. "Sssshhh!" Grandpa Joe said to her. "The man's a genius! He'll sell a million bars." I walked over to the bed and sat beside my brother as the newscast continued.

" the mystical Willy Wonka himself. The amount of chocolate in this competition has relighted the imagination to incite candy eaters and all citizens around the world." "Grandpa, do you think I have a chance to find one?" Charlie asked excitedly. I smiled. I haven't seen him this excited in ages. It was wonderful to see his eyes light up in child-like excitement. He's had to grow up so fast, he hasn't really had a childhood since he was nine years old.

"One? I'm counting on you to find all five!" Grandpa Joe exclaimed. "One's enough for me," Charlie smiled shyly.

"Already we have reports coming in that the response is phenomenal. Wonka bars are beginning to disappear from candy store shelves at a rate to boggle the mind." I grimaced. Oh, it's definitely mind boggling. It's mind boggling to see just how selfish and greedy people can be. My mind flashed to the chocolate bars littering the floor of the shop and I sighed.

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