Chapter Nineteen - Wonka

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! First, I want to apologize for the delay. Life has been crazy and lately I haven't had the time or energy to write. Also, after looking at all of the comments, I realized that it would probably be best to hold off on posting the last chapter of Guilty Pleasure until I finished the first chapter of the sequel. I am not a huge fan of cliffhangers and I did not want to leave anyone hanging. However, I haven't been feeling like myself these past few months and I refused to write anything because I knew that my mood would affect my writing and I have worked way too hard on this story to mess it up. I have fought really hard to try and get past my slump and I want to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support this story. Each and every comment, vote and view has made me smile. So, thank you.

This is the final chapter to Guilty Pleasure. I will post the first chapter of the sequel either tomorrow or sometime next week. I'm currently in the process of editing and revising.

As we walked, I stole covert glances at my angel. She seemed happier. Almost, dare I say it, lighter than she had been when she first passed through my gates. There was a noticeable spring in her step and her eyes shone bright with unbridled happiness. Although I was curious as to what could have caused this significant change, for now, I would let it be for she was truly magnificent. 'And now I see with eye serene the very pulse of the machine; A being breathing thoughtful breath, a traveler between life and death; The reason firm, the temperate will, endurance, foresight, strength, and skill; A perfect woman, nobly planned, to warm, to comfort, and command; And yet a Spirit still, and bright with something of angelic delight.'

All too soon, we found ourselves in the presence of the remaining party. However, I couldn't allow myself to be to put out, especially after seeing Charlie's eyes light up as brightly as his lovely sister's. I allowed myself to smile wide at his over-exuberant reaction upon seeing her. His excitement was certainly palpable as he yelled her name. I watched with fond amusement as he practically barreled into her, wrapping his thin arms around her small frame. "Charlie," she wheezed. "I can't breathe!"

"Oops! Sorry, y/n!" His arms relaxed around her, but he still clung to her form as if she were a lifeline and he was drowning. "Are you alright?" He looked up at her with worry and I felt my affection towards him strengthen even more. 'Such a good brother. I could almost overlook the fizzy lifting drinks...almost.' I watched with a fond smile as my angel wrapped her own arms around him and murmured into his hair. Likely reassurances that she was indeed alright.

"I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits," 'As they should be. Three down, only one more to go.' "Well, we still have each other." I shared a smile with my soulmate before turning back to everyone else. "Shall we press on?"

"Mr. Wonka, can't we sit down for a minute? The pace is killing me," Mrs. Teevee protested. To be fair, the woman did look like she was miserable...ah actually, she looked like that to begin with. Oh, well.

Without giving her a chance to further whine and complain, I gently directed her to the hallway. "My dear lady, transportation has already been arranged."

"Behold the Wonkamobile," I said with pride. After all, I did design and engineer it myself, with some help from my diligent workers of course. I caught my little love's gaze and couldn't resist adding, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." I threw in a wink for good measure to get my point across to her and was rewarded with a tantalizing blush from my sweet little honeysuckle. As much as I would love to stand around and tease the irresistible creature before me, I knew I had to finish this tour. "Places please! The dance is about to begin!" I clapped my hands in order to get the remaining two nuisances' attention. "Better grab a seat, they're going fast!" I watched as the Teevees made themselves comfortable in the front while my sweet, delicate rosebud helped her brother climb up into the back row. I immediately grew concerned when her eyes widened in what appeared to be realization. 'Doesn't she ever stop overanalyzing and assessing?' I internally groaned.

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