Chapter Seven - Wonka

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'Here we go,' I took a deep breath to calm myself. The door opened and I stepped out to face the world for the first time in many years. I was met with thundering applause that slowly began to fizzle out the farther I walked. I decided to sneak a peek everyone's reactions, but as I looked up, I heard a small gasp. Huh, that's strange. I would have thought people would have gasped already at my gait. I turned my gaze towards where I heard the small sound and momentarily froze as my eyes met the stare of the stunning woman sitting next to a blonde-haired boy. Could it really be her? She had my y/n's h/l, h/c, and sparkling e/c doe eyes. Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from her. After all, I have a show that I must put on and if it is her, I shall know soon enough.

I resumed my exaggerated limp to the front gates. I decided that this would be the first test. Not just for the contestants, but for the crowd of self-proclaimed 'adoring' fans. I wanted to see how everyone reacted to the news that Willy Wonka was a cripple. Would admiration still linger in their eyes, would they pity the poor reclusive chocolatier, or would they be revolted that the man they had built up in their heads was just a mere fantasy? So far, most look disappointed, including the child sitting next to the attractive young woman.

Speaking of which...I couldn't help but glance at the woman once more to fully gauge her reaction to my 'disability'. Our gazes met once more, and I felt my heart flutter at the sweet smile that adorned her face and that's when I knew for sure. It was her. My, oh my. My darling little angel has grown into quite the alluring creature. Although I'm not surprised. She's always been beautiful. I could gaze into her wonderous e/c eyes for an eternity and never get bored, but it seems that my sweet girl had other plans as she tore her gaze away from me and down towards her lap.

I kept an indifferent expression on my face, but it was difficult. Why did she look away? Oh, well. It was probably for the best. I need to fully concentrate on what I was about to do. My cane got 'accidently' stuck in the brick walkway. I stood stock still and watched the crowd. It was still completely silent with the exception of a small rustling sound that seemed to come from my little angel's direction. I glanced at her to see that she had moved from her seat and began making her way towards me, concern in her eyes. Well, if I wasn't sure before, I am now. It is my little y/n. 'She always did have a savior complex. She never could stand to see someone in pain.' I couldn't help the small twitch of amusement as the memory of the day we first met flashed across my mind. Well, she had met me I should say. I had already met her from afar. I could still remember the worry and panic in her eyes when she ran into me with such force, it knocked both of us backwards. 'Well, one thing is certain, we definitely began our relationship of sorts with a bang,' I inwardly chuckled.

Just as she made it to the edge of the stage, I tilted myself forward. I almost stumbled when I heard her scream. I winced. 'Oh dear.' Thankfully, I kept my balance, did the somersault, and bounced to my feet, arms spread wide and a huge grin on my face.

The crowd began cheering and my eyes were drawn to the little blond-haired boy beside my little darling. It seems he was the most excited. He was jumping up and down with a huge smile adorning his face. He had some of my angel's facial features. They both shared the same oval face and nose. This must be Charlie. 'Cute kid,' I thought to myself. I turned my eyes to his lovely sister. But instead of the warm gaze I had always come to know, I was shocked to see a look of anger marring her pretty features. What's worse, that anger seemed to be directed at me. 'What did I do?' I thought frantically. Surely my little performance couldn't have caused that expression.

She crossed her arms and looked away from me with a fierce scowl. Somehow, that hurt worse. When I get a moment alone with her, I will coax her to tell me why she was so upset with me and then I would implore her to forgive me.

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