Chapter Fourteen - Reader

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Mr. Wonka suddenly stopped in front of a wall with fruity wallpaper. Literally, it was just a bunch of fruits. It reminded me of something an elderly person might have in their home. Why it was here, in a chocolate factory of all places, was beyond me but then again, most everything here is.

"Wait a minute. Must show you this. Lickable wallpaper for nursery walls. Lick an orange, it tastes like an orange. Lick a pineapple, it tastes like a pineapple. Go ahead, try it!" Mr. Wonka encouraged us and despite what just happened, everyone (including Charlie and the adults) rushed forward to sample the wallpaper. I wrinkled my nose. 'Okay, first, why would everyone willingly consume anything else in this factory after what we all just witnessed with Violet? Second...ew. Who in their right mind would willingly place their tongue where others may have placed theirs?'

"Mmm, I got a plum!" Mike exclaimed in delight.

"Y/n, this banana's fantastic. It tastes so real," Charlie says in awe.

"I'm glad you like it, gumdrop," I mumble.

My tone seemed to get Charlie's attention because he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey, I'm worried about her too, but Mr. Wonka promised she would be fine."

I turn to stare down at him dubiously. "And you believe him?" I asked as he pulled away.

"Yes," he says firmly to me before walking away. My eyes trail after him in surprise. How is he so confident in his belief? He doesn't even know this man! 'Neither do you,' a voice whispered in the back of my mind. I scowled.

"Miss. Bucket?" I jumped as Mr. Wonka's breath tickled my ear...that's how close he was. 'Oh, so we're back to Miss. Bucket now, are we? Good.'

I didn't even look at him as I responded in a flat tone, "What?"

"Why don't you try it?"

Huffing, I turn around to face him with a glare. He was still smiling like he was after we left the room, but it was unnatural. It was stretched too wide, and too thin. Obviously, a fake smile. "Why would I? Tell me Mr. Wonka, if I lick a grape, will I turn into one as well?"

He flinched, smile now gone. A small part of me felt bad, but another larger part of me screamed that my comment was justified. Ignoring the part of me that wanted to immediately apologize, I turn to look at Charlie, who was surprisingly talking to Mike.

"The first and final thing you have to do in this world is to last it and not be smashed by it," he quietly says. I scrunch my nose up in confusion. Why is he quoting Ernest Hemingway at a time like this?

"The world breaks everyone and afterward, many are strong at the broken places," I counter-quote him without taking my gaze off of my brother.

"That is true my dear, but would you still agree with Mr. Hemingway if say, Charlie was placed in a dangerous or unhealthy situation just so that situation could make him stronger?"

Now I turn to look at him. "Are you threatening him?" I ask quietly...dangerously.

He calmly shakes his head. "I would never. I'm just simply stating that there are some things out there that people should never have to go through."

"Like turning into a blueberry and having to get juiced after the fact?" I say in a clipped tone.

"That and other things as well. Like a neglectful home life or a fear of strangers. Mainly strangers of the opposite sex."

I frown at him in confusion. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Wouldn't you do whatever it takes to remove him from a situation like that?" Mr. Wonka continued as if I hadn't spoken.

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