Chapter Twelve - Reader

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I am so sorry for the delay in updating. I actually finished this chapter last weekend, however, I didn't have the chance to fully review and edit it. I've been really busy renovating my home and preparing for a trial for one of my clients. I promise I will try to update more. 

 I also want to let you guys know that I have copied both of my stories to Archive of Our Own (AO3). My username on that platform is also MuggleLover_394. I found out that you can actually post GIFs on that platform and I have been having so much fun doing that for these stories. I also like the format of AO3 way better than Wattpad, but please know that I will still update my stories on this site as well. 

Additionally, I want to take a moment to talk to you about my plans for this story. I'm not even a quarter of the way done with it. I have fleshed out a rather long timeline for Guilty Pleasure and I don't plan on cutting anything out because I feel like that would diminish the characters and the overall story. However, this story is already 4 hours and ten minutes long (at least according to Wattpad). So, I have decided that there will be a sequel. I have actually written the first three chapters of that sequel and the day that I post the last chapter of Guilty Pleasure, will be the day that I post the first chapter of the sequel.  

Finally, I am excited to announce that I have already started working on a new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story (the Johnny Depp version) but I will not post it until I am finished with at least one of my current stories (preferably Guilty Pleasure). This new story will only be available to read on Archive of Our Own, mainly because as I've said before, I like the formatting of AO3 way better and I am actually going to need it for this story. 

Thanks for reading my long note and enjoy the chapter! 

The gentle rocking of the boat was soothing. I had never been on a boat before, but I honestly don't understand how some people could not find this enjoyable. I closed my eyes and relaxed against my seat. This is so peaceful.

"Hey, daddy! I want a boat like this. A beautiful paddle boat, that what I want!" 'Aaand there goes the peace.' I thought with a huff.

Turning to Charlie, I whispered, "What she needs is a good kick in the pants."

Charlie smirked at me and gave me an eager nod of agreement.

"I think I'm gonna be seasick," Mrs. Teevee moaned. I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. 'I think this woman just enjoys complaining.'

"Here," Mr. Wonka said, reaching into his coat pocket and handed her a few small multicolored candies. "Try one of these."

"What are they?" Mrs. Teevee asked distrustfully.

"Rainbow drops. Suck em' and you can spit in seven different colors." He answered.

"Spitting's a dirty habit," Mike said while picking his nose. 'Gross!'

"I know a worse one," Mr. Wonka said pointedly, distaste coloring his handsome features as he observed Mike's actions.

"What business you in, Salt?" Mr. Beauregarde's booming voice asked. 'Looks like someone is trying to network,' I thought with a roll of my eyes.

"Nuts." Mr. Salt replied, tersely.

Mr. Wonka's knee brushed mine and I glanced at him. He smiled serenely at me, and I gave him a small smile in return that quickly vanished when I saw what we were heading towards.

"Hang on! Where are we going?" Mr. Salt asked with thinly veiled panic.

"I don't know but don't like the looks of that tunnel up there. Hey, Wonka, I want off!" Mr. Beauregarde shouted with just as much anxiety.

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