Chapter Four - Wonka

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I sighed at my desk and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. My guests will be here in less than twelve hours and so far, I was not hopeful at all. So far, I have four vile children that I will be forced to spend time with tomorrow. A glutton, a brat, a gum chewer and a potentially violent, television obsessed child.

'Where is my fifth child?' I thought it despair. I had been closely following each winner to get some insight on how to test each one. I had been very angry when news broke about a ticket being found in South America. I never sent a ticket to South America. I knew where the last ticket was. It was right here in this town! 'Why hasn't anyone found it yet?'

I sat back and massaged my temples. I feel a headache coming on. 'Come on Wonka. Don't do this to yourself. Don't go into your dark place. You probably won't come out of it for days and that simply will not do! You have a tour to give tomorrow, man!' "I must think happy thoughts," I mumbled. 'Chocolate, my beloved Oompa Loompas...her.' I closed my eyes and sighed lost in my last thought. Ah, yes. Thoughts of her can lift my spirits. Even in my darkest moments, she never leaves my mind. It's silly really. We only met a few times, but that was all it took for her to have me wrapped around her tiny fingers. I remember the first day that I met her like it was only yesterday...


I was nervously walking down the street. I haven't been outside my factory in many years. Not since those sneaky, despicable thieves tried to steal my livelihood. Slugworth was the worst of them all. Oh, how I simply despised the man. Just because he lacks the imagination needed to be a true chocolatier, does not give him the right to steal from the creativity of others. But I digress. My factory was still closed, and it will remain that way for a while. I just simply do not trust anyone...well I trust Wilkenson and my beloved Oompa Loompas, but that's about it. To be honest, most people have despicable qualities. 'No,' I thought decisively. 'The world simply does not deserve my candy at the moment.' I sniffed.

As I passed by a shop, I heard a giggle. It was kind of adorable. Almost shy...I looked up at the store, only to find myself in front of a candy shop. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I decided to peek my head in. The sign on the door read 'Closed', but the door was unlocked. I quickly slipped in and ducked behind a shelf. The shop, although small, was impressive. I looked from behind the shelf to see a little girl sitting at the counter, a small cupcake with a single candle was sitting in front of her. I must admit, I have seen many children, but there was something about this one...she was quite beautiful for her age. 'Ew. Way to sound like a pedophile, Wonka!' I shuddered. I was not sexually attracted to this little girl. In fact, I have never felt sexually attracted to anyone before. No, I just simply can recognize and appreciate beauty when I see it.

On either side of her, were two men. One looked to be about a few years younger than myself. The other was an older gentleman. "Happy birthday, sugarplum," the younger man said to her tenderly. The little girl giggled again before speaking in the most melodious voice I have ever heard. "Oh, you guys. You didn't have to do this for me."

"Blasphemy!" the younger man shouted. "It's not everyday my little best friend turns ten years old!" My eyes widened at that. First, why is a young adult friends with a child? That seems a bit strange...creepy even. Second, how on earth could she be ten? She looks more like she's seven! The older gentleman bent down and kissed the top of her head. "It was our pleasure speedy! You know you mean the world to Billy and I." The older man moved away from her side to grab some drinks and I got a good look at her from the side. What I saw made me sad.

She was incredibly thin. Almost painfully so. As if she hadn't eaten in months. Her dress, if you could even call it that, hung limply off her small form. Really, the dress simply looked like old rags sewn together. Even though she wasn't in the best shape, she had the brightest smile on her little face and a beautiful twinkle in her large, e/c doe eyes. The men begin to sing as the older gentleman lit the candle.

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