Chapter Eighteen - Reader

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We quickly stride down the hall and towards where everyone else is which only consisted of the Teevees and Charlie. When he saw me, he made a beeline towards us. "Y/n!"

He threw his arms around me and gave me such a right hug, he almost cut off my circulation. "Charlie," I wheezed out. "I can't breathe!" When did he get so strong?! Surely throwing papers to everyone in town didn't create that much muscle?

"Oops! Sorry, y/n!" He relaxed his grip, but he did not let me go. "Are you alright?" He worriedly asked me. I wrapped my arms back around him and murmured that I was. I looked down at his leg and saw that it didn't look as bad as it did before, but it still was not great. Just as I was about to ask him about it, Mr. Wonka spoke up.

"I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other." He looked at me and gave me a blinding smile and I returned it with a small smile of my own. Turning back to the group, he said, "Shall we press on?"

"Mr. Wonka, can't we sit down for a minute? The pace is killing me," Mrs. Teevee complained. My eyes drifted down towards her feet, and I had to push back the scoff that was threatening to spill out of me. The woman was wearing high heels. Who wears high heels to a factory?

Nevertheless, Mr. Wonka handled her whining graciously. Placing his hand on the small of her back, he said, "My dear lady, transportation has already been arranged." He led us all out into the hallway where a rather large contraption was waiting. Some Oompa Loompas were pouring buckets of liquid into it. It was rather curious.

"Behold the Wonkamobile," he said proudly. He met my eyes and said, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," he smiled and winked, causing me to flush. I heard a small snicker from Charlie. I shot my brother a rather unimpressed look that did nothing to stifle his giggles.

"Places please! The dance is about to begin!" Mr. Wonka clapped. "Better grab a seat, they're going fast!" I noticed how Mrs. Teevee and her son took the front row, leaving Charlie and I stuck in the back. As I helped Charlie climb up, it finally dawned me how there were only five seats on the Wonkamobile. If Veruca and her father were still here, they wouldn't have a place to sit. Now that I think about it, the Wonkatania only had nine seats as opposed to eleven, meaning that had Augustus not fallen in the chocolate river, there wouldn't have been enough seats onboard for him or his mother. My eyes widened at the realization, and I paused. 'I knew he was testing everyone, but how could he be so sure that everyone would fail their tests? What would he have done if everyone who began the tour with us were still here now?'

"Is everything alright, angel?" Mr. Wonka breathed into my ear causing me to shiver slightly. I schooled my features as I turned to stare at him. Quickly trying to think of something to say, I can only come up with a measly question. "Um, what's that they're filling it up with?" I lift my chin in the direction of the Oompa Loompas.

He gives me a look that clearly says, 'Now I know that's not what's really on your mind, but for the sake of keeping on schedule, I'll let it go.' He doesn't say this obviously. Instead, he answers my question airily. "Oh, ginger ale, ginger pop, ginger beer, beer bubbles, bubble-ade, bubble cola, double cola, double bubble burp-a-cola, and all the crazy carbonated stuff that tickles your nose. Few people realize what tremendous power there is in one of those things."

I blink. "Well, if that's the case, then aren't you the least bit concerned that they're putting too much of it in?"

Mr. Wonka tilted his head and regarded me with a slightly amused twinkle in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that if there is that much power in those liquids that you just mentioned, judging by the amount they are pouring in, we're liable to...oh I don't know. Blast off into space or something!"

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