Chapter Seventeen - Wonka

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"That's it baby," I coo at her. "Come back to me." I watch in anticipation and bated breath as she stills before her eyes begin to flutter open. As soon as she meets my eyes she gasps, and her eyes widen. I immediately panic. "Does it hurt too much?" She doesn't respond. 'Poor thing. She's probably too consumed by the pain that she can't speak.' "Hold on, I will go and fetch you something to help alleviate your discomfort." I quickly walk towards one of the medicine cabinets in the room to begin searching for that one particular vial...where is it? Where is it... "Aha!" I cry in triumph as I carefully extract the small turquoise remedy from the cabinet. "Here it is! Here, let me help you up so you can take this," I say as I quickly stride over to her. As I take note of her features, I notice that she's looking at me differently than she had been during the entire tour. She's looking at me as if she truly sees me. But that can't be...

"What is it?" she asked curiously snapping me out of my line of thinking.

"It's a headache and a post-concussion preventing remedy created by the Oompa Loompas from all natural ingredients," I explained patiently.

She nodded at my words before immediately flinching in pain. I tsked. 'Silly girl,' I thought to myself. "Try not to move your head too much for the next five minutes after you consume this," I advised her softly before gently helping her to a sitting position so that she could drink the liquid. I watched in fascination as her rosebud-colored lips wrapped around the tip of the bottle and I silently cursed myself as I felt my pants grow tighter with each and every sip she took. 'Good God, man! The love of your life is in pain after suffering from an injury that could have been fatal and you're standing here, aroused by her taking medication. You're sick.' Finally, she finished the contents of the vial, and I carefully lowered her back down. Sitting down on the edge of the cot, I allow my eyes to roam her face, searching for any signs of pain or worse, brain damage. I wouldn't be able to live if something were to happen to her. "How do you feel now?" I asked with bated breath, but she said nothing. She just stared at me with wide, unfocused eyes.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I asked again growing more concerned by the second. "Y/n? What's wrong? Do I need to call our resident healer? Y/n, sweetheart, answer me, please!" She still said nothing. "Hold on, baby. I will go and fetch-" However, before I could finish my thought or move an inch, I felt her delicate hand reach up and grab the back of my neck, pulling me down. Startled, I let out a surprised gasp that quickly turned into a moan when she crashed her soft lips to mine and every fantasy that I ever had of our first kiss paled in comparison to this beautiful moment. A burning fire spread quickly through my veins, and I blissfully welcomed the flames with relish. To my immense credit, I tried to quash my primal carnal desires and instead, tried to convey my truest and deepest feelings to the woman underneath my lips. In my kiss, lays the promise of many years full of passion, sweetness and above all else, love. If she chose to stay, I would gladly give her all of that and more.

Her hand tenderly tangled itself into my unruly hair and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she gently swept the tip of her succulent tongue against my lips. I groaned in ecstasy 'This woman will be the death of me,' I thought as I parted my lips, gladly granting her access. Our tongues immediately clashed, and I allowed my left hand to cup her face with the upmost care, leisurely stroking her cheek while my right hand buried itself into her silky locks. I was getting so worked up that I momentarily forgot myself and roughly pulled her hair. I stilled momentarily, worried that I had hurt her, but my concern immediately died when I heard her moan wantonly as she tried to arch her small body into mine. 'So, my little angel likes it a bit interesting.' She was successful in brushing up against that particular area of my body that was currently pulsing with a needy desire to bury itself fully into her. Finally, I allowed myself to give into temptation. With a growl I wasted no time in climbing up on top of her. Taking care to not press all of my weight onto her tiny form, I braced my left hand on the mattress below us and directly next to her head. I brushed up against her and her hips immediately arched up. I purred at her reaction, pleased that I could cause her to fall apart like this. 'I bet her precious Billy could never make her feel this way.' The thought sent my mind into a frenzy of territorial lust and protectiveness. 'Closer, I need her closer to me.'

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