Chapter Ten - Reader

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Author note: Sorry for the delay! My job decided to move into a much bigger office space and I have been extremely busy unpacking and setting up my new personal office. I typically try to do updates every weekend, but now I have to play catch up on my actual work. I will not abandon this story because I have so many ideas on how I want it to progress. However, I have to make money so until I catch up on all of my work, updates will be sporadic. Thanks for understanding! 

"Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls..." Mr. Wonka said before pushing the door open. "The chocolate room." Veruca pushed her way past and I had to pull Violet out of the way before Veruca hit her with her elbow.

I could tell Violet has had enough of Veruca by the way she glared at her before turning to me with a soft, "Thanks, y/n." I smiled at her and pulled her into my right side as we walked through the door. Charlie moved from my left side to stand by Violet, probably to make sure no one else tried to run her over.

As soon as we stepped in, I lost my breath. I'm pretty sure Charlie did too by the way he went completely still. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my entire life. I felt something brush against my left hand and looked up to see Mr. Wonka standing beside me, facing forward. I realized that his hand must have brushed mine and I blushed.

"Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three." He whispered. My eyes widened. How did he-

Come with me

And you'll be

In a world of pure imagination

Mr. Wonka began to sing.

Take a look

He whipped his cane out towards his left, right in front of Mr. Beauregarde, who was attempting to walk down the stairs.

And you'll see

Into your imagination

Finally, Mr. Wonka decided that now would be the time to walk down the stairs. I use the term 'walk' loosely because it was more like a choreographed stair dance. For every step he took onto another step he would take a step back before moving onto the next step and repeating the same process over again. Honestly, I love a good song and dance, but this was pushing it.

We'll begin

He spun around to face us with a mischievous smile on his face.

With a spin

Traveling in the world of my creation

What we'll see will defy

Veruca was trying to push past Charlie and Violet. Mr. Wonka paused his song to whip his cane in front of her, halting her from going any further. She looked like she was about to throw a tantrum at basically being told to wait, which was not a surprise.


Again, we began walking down the second flight of stairs in the same manner that we had going down the first flight.

If you want to view

Again, Mr. Wonka whipped his cane in front of Veruca, who tried to push her way through once more. Honestly, this child needs to learn how to be patient! To be honest, I'm kind of waiting for Mr. Wonka to "accidentally" hit her with that cane of his.


Simply look around and view it

Oh, I am and it's wonderful.

Guilty Pleasure (Wonka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now